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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

You Were Programmed to ONLY Listen to Hot Chicks and Old Sages

Updated: Feb 24

Influential Opposing Forces Live Within You Regardless of Your Politics, Religions and Science Dogmas

I was watching Grey's Anatomy yesterday and one of the episodes were focusing on teratomas attacking the person's brain. While they called the microbes from the teratoma "antibodies", in reality, relative to perspective, the microbes from the teratoma are the antigen. Even though they characterized the "attacks" on the brain as the body attacking itself, which could be true on some level, it was actually the opposing forces stuck in the body attacking the host.

Everything is relative to the perspective you are coming from. The body does NOT attack itself, no different than you attacking yourself and then profess to want to live unharmed, pain free.

So, what is possessing the person in body, mind, and spirit causing the person to be spiritually attacked inside attracting predators who find ways to physically attack them on the outside? What causes extreme love and hate from people towards others or towards themselves?

I will give you the answer..

It is the opposing forces living in you that was programmed into your genetic line since waaaay back in the days of antiquity and the system capitalized on those opposing forces.

People do not commit homicide, suicide, infanticide or cut themselves unless they were overridden by opposing forces trying to self destruct..

Which is why the holistic, allopathic, energy healing world of herbal remedies and the department of energy and the hidden hand/cia all work together rooting out the "monsters" in our society who intend to do harm to themselves and their society.

How do they do that? The surgical world cuts out the opposing forces, the herbalists/energy/holistic people keep developing so many offspring the monsters within destroy the person within, and the prescription drug market/illicit drugs/cannabis attempt to drug the monsters within. When you see how many people are afflicted via their practices in the health and wellness world and their addictions, the monsters are being rooted up and out for the world to see..

We have bred and fostered monsters in our society because of our practices in the fertility world and the people's fear of evolution. The system is you.

Once most of us realize we are the ones who hold the "enemy" within and we start "exorcising" those opposing forces out of our own immune system, we might have a peaceful world..

Until then.. the govt will clamp down as those opposing forces in people's bodies are on the move and "hunt"..

By the way, it is NOT your fault. You were born into a world full of "monsters" and we see them prosecuted for crimes against humans.. But you had to see them. The government let them proliferate so you can see the evidence what monster do when given the opportunity to do their crimes.. Hollywood, the music industry, govt..

But since the system cannot force people to recognize these things within their own immune system that they foster, they can only give you choices and then you have to be responsible for your choices..

Just like I can't help anyone any more in the jay world. Because you're the one that has to sit with the pain and suffering of what you fostered and cultivated your whole life. Even when provided with different information you still resisted.

Which is why they developed hot chicks.. Old sages. So you could be under the influence and hypnotized by those who are afflicted bringing up the monster within you and then destroying it and you through love and hate and sexuality..

Which is why I will never get anyone listening to me really.. Because i'm not a hot chick or an old sage.

I'm just a middle aged person most people will ignore..

Who do people ultimately follow.. Old sage boomers with degrees and licenses.. And their yoga poses and flat stomach.. And all of their diet regimes.

And hot millennial gen x chicks chucks.. Because they were told to fight age with botox and plastic surgery and stay young and hot and sexual until they can't anymore..

Then they will embrace the old sage mentality and train all the hot chicks/chucks to do exactly what you did..

And you can be hot chick/chuck and smart selling people what the system wants you to sell.

Which is why the bible is so influential because who do you listen to... Moses.. Or someone as beautiful as jesus.

Because you can even see the "nerds" out there dating hot chicks or enamored by hot chicks and chucks..

Why do you think hot chicks and chucks are in the news industry.. Because average middle age people are not very influential.

This was developed way before your time..

But now you see how the system programs people to self destruct.. They position people in society to take on roles of authority. And sometimes it's youth and age is what gets people.. Or the perception of youth and old sage.

And this happens so much in the religious world . hot religious chicks selling you something.. Or hot atheist chicks selling your science and spirituality..

And then hot chucks hypnotizing everyone..

I just stay far away

I used to be a hot chick and it was a fucking curse.. And I suffered every month from it.

Which is also why gen x chicks that were hot back in the eighties , and nineties are being told not to wear makeup or embracing deterioration.. Because they want the older generation x to embrace looking like a "normal female" going to shit at an earlier age..

Remember when 40 was over the hill..

People in their fifties and above will be fighting the change and having their own midlife crisis..

Men also go through the change just like women..

And they will either embrace it and understand it's not about sexualityy and destruction or a constant party..

The party was over for me seven years ago.. It was always over for me because I was struggling to survive in a society who didn't understand the monster I was fighting within..

It's not about just the body it is about cultivating your brain and understand how your brain and your body must work together and not through botox and muscles. And a flat stomach with yoga poses..

Because when you go through the change and you will go through a major ugly stage.. People are going to say you're unhealthy and ugly and force you to get cured..

I had to deal with that the last three years.. And even then when the climate shifts I look a bit more bloated than usual..

And so I changed with my environment. I don't force my body to stay cured and hot and sexual because everyone expects it.. And I won't be an old sage to please you.

So i'm not impressed with twenty five year olds shaking their asses at people.. And i'm not impressed with people my age trying to stay young.. Because you are causing such resistance how will you survive when the climate changes again.. ?

And in this environment you will change constantly because you have to.. Which means this is time to prioritize..

But you don't have to listen to me.. Because I don't have a flat stomach or look like an old maid..

I'm just your average middle age person that you will ignore.. Because you can't handle pain and suffering . So people seek pleasure and paradise.. And that's not me.

You will follow those who are into pleasure and paradise. Dressed up as politics , religion and science .

I am so sorry. I wish I could help you. I wish I could go back and help you through your process.

I've been receiving emails lately from people of the past wanting me to help them get back into the j world..

This is why the system does not want you to get involved with other people's health issues..

You'll be in way over your head..

When people ask you to take away their pain and suffering.. Wanting a remedy, in this environment you could destroy them with your lay person recommendations of remedies and supplements..

 Because maybe they can't afford another colony forming unit of offspring from your remedies and supplements..

I can't tell a person they should feel pain.. I can't tell a person they should eat all food in the food supply. I can't get involved..

There's no way I can condition someone to deal with embracing the pain of life ..

And they can only read my latest book to see what I did.

But even then there's no guarantee the will get any kind of relief...

DEATH is the only guaranteed pain relief..

And you're not licensed to destroy anyone at the micro level or macro level..

So you can't claim cures or pain free anything..

 We all come from different backgrounds.. Even though, we're not special.. Typical results may vary.. I can never promise you relief..

And maybe you hold a blood clot that once it gets activated, once it is on the move, you have to complete your release process.

If not, that blood clot could kill you..

And so I have to ignore all emails with people trying to come back and ask me what they should do first in my world.

This environment's going to get so bad that those who have not been following my evolution will be coming back in at the 11th hour wanting relief and that's not going happen..

You had to condition for the pain and suffering.. That was the last three years..

I sat with the pain and suffered the last three years.. I stayed home and I stayed safe the last three years.. Sometimes I even wore a mask..

I employed delivery services when I didn't want to go out there in the public catching whatever was in the environment..

I had to change my life.. I had to stay away from people..

And when I was around people I blew up like the stay puffed marshmallow man.. And the release process was brutal.. Hives and whatever..

 Coughing out mucus.. Because the body took on major activated particles when I was in mixed company or environment..

I loaded myself up with milk and meat and cheese and eggs and fruits and vegetables the last three years..

I took the time..

I'm so sorry. I wish I could help people, but I can't condition them to deal with pain and suffering and tell them to support pain with milk and meat and cheese and eggs because maybe they're allergic.

Maybe they are politically against food..

There's nothing that I can do if they are in starvation mode.. And even then. You can't tell people what to do..

Even as a nurse.. You're not their doctor.. Even holistic professionals should not be advising people what to do..

They're not doctors..

I can't tell them to pull those tootsie rolls out of their colon because it takes awhile for the body to get those tootsie rolls down that far for them to reach it..

 I can't tell people to embrace explosive diarrhea because the environment shifted causing that spontaneous combustion..

I have to walk away. I had to walk away..

And I don't like doing that.. Because I am human I want to help people..

But I know when i'm in way over my head..

In this environment everyone in the health and wellness field are in way over their head..

Even the hospital system..

We did it to ourselves..

I had to walk away..

I had to save myself..

What doesn't kill you will make you stronger

I mentioned this before that electricity is what caused all the different cancers..

Did ELECTRICITY really cause cancer OR just activate whar you already held inside..

Because you didn't release the demons properly.. And you starved yourself..

Electricity doesn't cause cancer..

People hold opposing forces within and electricity just activates what is predominantly in control at the time!!

And you fostered those demons through antibiotic supplements and closing up your bodies orifices of release..

Eight languages of the future..

500m Will be speaking eight different languages.. The internet will be the happy medium between everyone translating everything..

Doesn't that concern people..? one better learn one of these languages.. And reside in an area that speaks predominantly one of these languages..

I am vietnamese but I speak only english..

Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages were English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Traditional Chinese, and Russian. The languages were chosen because they represented most of humanity, except for Hebrew, which was chosen because of its connections to Judaism and Christianity.

Now you know where the mid life crisis comes from..

So you've been groomed to be hot, even if there is nothing underneath your skull cap..

And then whatever it is that you're doing will carry weight until you become middle aged, ignored,

 until you start gaining the wrinkles of wisdom knowing a little bit more than some people because of your age..

 And then of course having children makes you the wise old owl..

So now you are a mom and you "know everything".. And then you become a grandmother and "know" even more.. So you're told..

And so if you have a voice and you are neither a hot chick or an old sage, or a mother, you're just an average person no one listens to..

Because you don't have the sex appeal and you don't look like gandalf or someone in lord of the rings..

That's how the system got us..

Which is why they want older people in high level positions because they get taken seriously.. But a young person wouldn't necessarily have the experience..

It's the middle age people who are ignored.. Unless they keep their hotness and their youth Or they let themselves go and they become matronly handsome

Don't worry, new world order. I'm not going to make a dent in the what you're doing.. The agenda will still go on.. Hot chicks will still be hot chicks.. Doing hot chicks shit . Wise old men and women will be doing what they do. Selling new remedies and wisdom..

Don't worry.. The agenda will go on..

Too many people are listening to dying hot chicks and dying wise old owls.. Or old sages..

They're not even paying attention to me. And if they are they are just laughing at me.


I go on facebook everyday to improve myself. Because I know there aint nothing I could do to reach people unless I show them some t. N. A..

I'm not prostituting myself like that.

So I represent the brain.. Not the body.

Would it have made a difference if you knew what was coming..?

Could today or past events be the best days of your life because of what was coming down the pipeline..

Because once you know what was to come, that would be the end of your life, as you knew it..


People hold on to what they think life was..

 Because once they know what is to come.. That will be the end to their life, as they knew it..

That was my situation almost twenty years ago in the conspiracy world.. post 9/11

Once I knew there was a different story line.. That was the end of the world, as I knew it..

And I remember mournings so hard in that moment in time..

Sometimes it pays to just stay asleep, if you can't control your situation..

Because once you know.. Once you see it..

There's no going back.

People who stay in the conspiracy world and don't change the way they do things to survive what they know is here and coming down the pipeline, you are only torturing yourself..

Mainstreamers, who have have no intention of changing anything.. Can't even relate to my information..

I'm just another entertainment piece or someone to laugh at..

That's your gift.. Ignorance is bliss..

I guess it's better than knowing what's to come..


Nothing should be a shock to you because you've expected the outcome anyways.. It might be earlier than you expected, but if it happens to you, you'll find a way to cope.. Or blame.. Or no existence..

What are you talking about jillian..

You'll know when it happens to you.. Because your world will come crashing down..

It's happened to me several times over.. It happened to me a long time ago..

I had my own nine eleven way before nine eleven..

The Abusive Powers of the Hot Chicks and the Old Sages

Who do people listen to as far as generationally..

Old boomers..

And hot Millennials

The middle child generation x will be ignored.. Yet again.. And I don't really care at this point.. Have fun with your elder boomers and your hot millennials

who do people "listen" to..

hot chicks and men selling remedies and sex or old sages selling wisdom..

they will listen to a hot chick man selling them absolution or an "old sage" selling them relief..


I am safe from most people even understanding me.. I am neither a hot chick or an old sage.. lol i will fly under the radar.. fine by me.

Who do children listen to.. Hot chicks and hot men.. And old sages..

That's your future..

People like me are ignored and it's okay I get it..

You want to know where people end up.. Just look at their friends .. Hot chicks or old sages..

Which is why the system has no problem with me Because I will fly under the radar..

I'm not an old man with a degree or an old sage.. And i'm not some young girl shaking my ass selling people a remedy.. Or a yoga pose.

The system can breathe a sigh of relief i'm not very influential.

Don't worry I won't get to your friends and family..

 You already have them sold that you know everything don't listen someone like me . Because i'm neither an old sage or a hot chick..

Of which I am so thankful for..

If hot chicks aren't careful they become an old sage and die suddenly.. And in this environment , hot chicks don't get the luxury to become an old sage because they are dying suddenly..

"Old sage" has multiple meanings:

An elderly person: A wise person who has gained a lot of wisdom throughout their life and is willing to share it when asked. The term "wise old man" is an archetype described by Carl Jung and is also a classic literary figure.

Sage herb: An herb that has passed its best unless properly dried.

The Old Sage: A character in Heroes who is a wise and caring man who respects the wisdom and nature on the island of Gorm.

Old Sage: A character in Witcher who is a soothsayer who lives in Benek.

The Old Sage: A Thanksgiving cocktail that contains a sage simple syrup, Old Overholt Rye Whiskey, lemon juice, and Peychaud's Bitters.

Old Sage Apothecarians: A forum for soapmaking founded in 1997 by three Central New York Soapmakers.

Olde Sage Green: A paint color from Olde Century Colors that is a bright, soft green that evokes spring and summer.

Nuvo Old Sage Cabinet Paint: A grey green, satin finish cabinet paint from Giani Granite.

Hot chick

A chick who gets whatever she wants just cause of the way she looks, sounds and acts.

if the system wanted you "dead".. you would NOT be here.. if you want to survive.. prove to the government you are a survivor, or else, shutup. lol

again.. if you already "expect" to pass away someday, what are you resisting?

You were never promised a "fixed" lifespan..

I do not expect to pass away "someday".. so I just assimilate to the changes and only resist when I am physically backed into a corner.. And if I am in the epicenter of an atom bomb or a sinkhole, it does NOT matter anyways, I will be dead.


So all of you anti-everything campaign or activists, if you already expect to pass away someday , what the fuck are you resisting??

You already told the system you expected to pass away.. So why are you getting mad at the government when your kids die suddenly when you already expected that to happen in other circumstances.

If you accept death as an outcome , it doesn't matter how it comes if you already expect it..

You can't have it both ways..

Maybe it's time to reconsider your lifestyle and belief systems..

Maybe you are the enemy to yourself and your friends and family.. Maybe it's time to disengage.

Do your job and be pleasant and be very good at your job and prioritize.. Everyone chooses their own adventure..

It's possible to come back from operations and oncology but it will be painful.. And you need all food in the food supply..

And you need the time and latitude to do that.

The government is NOT your enemy, as they are giving you the opportunity to CHANGE YOUR LIFE AND EVOLVE.

The government was never really your enemy.. They just presented you situations you had to figure out a strategy to survive..

The government's job is to make the human race smarter not dumber.

You make yourself dumb by resisting evolution. Even the card carrying evolutionists resist evolution.. Because they take their surgeries and drugs and alcohol and sex and worship fertility

So who's the real enemy here.. It's yourself and your friends and family.. Because people are addicted to their friends and family . Who's the enemy.. It's not your government


they will find ways to undermine your ability to change and even manipulate you into staying cured/the same and friends and family pull out all the stops when their energy/money train stops..

It was never the government that did anything to me.. it was my own friends and family I had to fight the most to save myself.. Whether it was giving explanations or getting validation. I put myself in the position to fight.. You get tired of fighting.. You get tired of explaining yourself.. You just get tired of everything.

So I just left.

which is why most people will not survive evolution.. they are subjected and tied to their friends and family and choose to become the human sacrifice..

it was never your government.. it was you and your family and of course, your tightknit group of friends you had to get validation from and permission to change.. and when they did not give you permission to change in so many words, you blamed the person who pointed out how stuck you were tied to validation and friends and family..

that was how they/the system got you.. through addiction to validation and acceptance..

which is why, I am not liked very much ahaha.. I don't need to be around friends and family or get validation from them.. And I speak freely and make observations that would counter their lifestyle and belief system. That won't make you very popular.. If anything that will make you an enemy to them , because they think you are judging them..

Then stop reading my posts and reacting..

 I am allowed to observe my world as it stands.. And i'm allowed to write my observations.. But that won't make me very popular.

i get it. .i understand it..

enslaved people hate the freedom other people have.. and so they resist and talk smack about those who figured it out..


you saw what I went through the last seven years.. and I received a lot of hate.. and "love".. but imagine your friends lovebombing the shit out of you.. yeah, you are done..

Which is why hollywood stars destroy themselves because they get addicted to the love and the fame and the fortune..

when you are addicted to the herd.. the herd might protect you one day, but the next day, the herd can hurt you..

before climate change, the herd "protected" you..

now.. the herd will destroy many who are addicted to the herds they circulate in.. And for all intents and purposes , it is the closest ones to them that are destroying them.. Because they haven't figured out how to manage that energy they have cultivated for so many years..

Which is why it's just my husband and I in my house.. No pets.. No roommates.. I don't even have too many people knocking on my door if at all. Which is also why I don't run groups..

I understand going to work to make a paycheck.. Are you living within your means.. What are you doing outside of work.. How are you spending your time and your money..?

You can work and save yourself.. If not, everything you're doing outside of your priorities is what will destroy you..

Because you have to learn how to manage the energy around you. Or else it becomes so influential they serve to destroy you..

You have to learn how to manage energy so it doesn't destroy you..

I mean, you don't have to then I guess you plan to pass away some day..

then don't blame anyone ..

You chose to entertain everyone and everything.. Until it destroyed you

so.. if you have no kids, not a hot chick/chuck or an "old sage" and you are middle aged..

NO one will listen to you.

i learned that the last 7 years.

gen x curse strikes again ahaha

Now that I know this.. That's another layer of programming I don't have to be accountable to or for..

I will let the millennials and the boomers run our society into the ground. Because that's what they were programmed to do. Run our whole society into the ground..

I tried, And you know how hard I tried.. I tried to help people.. And of course you know people can only help themselves.. If they're even aware of how programmed they truly are.

 good luck.

This is when i'm finally going to set myself free.. Because i've been trying to free myself from this obligation to help all of you..

And I pulled out all the stops.. Even at the expense of people hating me which I already expected anyways..

But I can't compete with old sages and hot chicks/chucks shaking their asses at everyone..

I was never meant to. But at least now I know why.. At least now I know why..

And I will stop resisting the millennials and the boomers doing what they were programmed and intended to do..

It doesn't mean I will take part.. It just means i'm done

Many of you will breathe a sigh of relief.. But please don't expect me to feel sorry for everyone's situations because you were given all the information and you chose whatever you chose..

I can have sympathy.. But I can't get emotionally invested.

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