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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Virus=Hatchlings=Incubus and Succubus=Sleeper Cells

Virus=Hatchlings=Incubus and Succubus=Sleeper Cells

July 4 fireworks = Independence Day aka died suddenly.

Once the system wakes up the demons within all people it will be anyone's guess if you can survive the hatchlings and their extreme hunger. Died suddenly is when those hatchlings hatched and the person didn't have enough substance to feed themself and hatchlings.

The body's natural defense is to push out those hatchlings but if you've stopped your body from pushing things out and you don't have enough body to you then people die from strokes and heart attacks and drowning in their own mucus as a body is trying to push out those hatchlings

And yeah pain is when the body is pushing those hatchling through the immune system but you still have to help it go through the process by eating all food and resting and pooping a lot and helping yourself release the demons without using Jilly juice or anything else on the market. And you need all food. How many kids out there don't have it what it takes to deal with the hatchlings that will inevitably be hatched when all the conditions are right. Much less the parents.

From looking at the died suddenly groups not many people will survive the hatchlings waking up

My juice gives you the salt but you can have too much salt causing you to cure those hatchlings in the body by disabling your body to release and then you get constipation and then the fight is on.

You need milk meat cheese eggs gluten sugar electrolytes salt. How many people are gluten free milk free food free. Yeah good luck

Why do older women experience menopause or no more eggs dropping even though she has entities within her. Because those energies within know she will not be viable enough to develop another egg or carry a baby to term. And so instead of developing eggs for her to drop they just basically destroy her from the inside out.

Which is why men age much more gracefully than women because if they have enough substance to them they can keep releasing their semen and have babies if they have younger women until they die.

Now you know why these old billionaires like screwing these younger girls not because they really want babies because they're just young and fertile and something to destroy.. that's pretty sad state for these women but if they have nothing else going then they're going to be screwed out of existence by their Community anyways

Mother's Day and Father's day was to keep people within that programming of procreation and of course playing the games of who's a better father than who.

But in all reality Mother's Day and Father's day was to keep you guys procreating with each other until you destroy each other..

and in all honesty, that was probably intention all along when they started all these holidays around family and worshiping the parents. Because the kids will eventually follow in the footsteps of their parents and procreate themselves out of existence..

turning into Incubus and succubus or the Madonna w**** with Satan or Jesus relative to whatever perspective you choose..

My information is not to change your convert you it's just to give you another perspective of the world and then you can choose whatever the hell you want because if you think you're going to die anyways it doesn't matter what you do

go f****** have fun

Now you know why the system wanted Sun worship.

Eventually they're going to have to release the demons through oncology.

Maybe Flat Earth is correct

But again I can't take a side because I will wait for the system to release the demons and then give credibility to whatever they need to based upon the intentions of the new world

The New World Order is not a bad thing if you understand what they are intending to do. But you can't resist what's going on. And it will be very difficult to release those demons within especially when people are literally infested ..

This world is not what you think it was an extreme illusion. I hope you survive your illusions

You want to know where Incubus and succubus came from?

And I've heard in the died suddenly groups that after a public health therapy and 80 year old grandma had her period

Excessive fertility are in the public health Therapies

girls/women do not just "spontaneously" drop eggs.. she has entities within her, or "aliens" "fornicating at the micro-level dropping eggs when she reaches a certain point, not age, signaling for another entity in a host to fertilize those eggs.

Why am I developing this Theory. Every time the climate changes, another nest is hatched in my body I drop an egg or EGGS.. yes I feel sick just like someone who gets sick before their period and get sick while they are incubating a child. And then I have to release. And it's a painful release.

But that time in between each egg that's developed yeah the last few months has been f****** hell. And then my immune system has to release those demons through sneezing coughing diarrhea and rashes. No different than my pmdd I experienced on some level.

Men have entities within them that zero in on trying to find that extremely fertile woman and he picks up signals that she doesn't even know she throws off because he's also hosting so many diverse microbes looking for something to procreate with and that's the Vampire Diaries.

And so you are a host to so much diversity and your biology is based upon the excessive amount of diverse microbes within your immune system that you have to slowly release and build up your body so you're not a host so much parasitic energies that you can't attack or else you're attacking yourself

Which is also why when you been diagnosed with a condition most likely you also be extremely fertile and have a bunch of babies. People with autoimmune disorders are so fertile and highly sexual yes and so they're more apt to have children than those who don't have so much disease.

Remember those who have a lot of disease are taking medication to develop more offspring and also close up the immune system to make them even more fertile

sometimes it is cancer sometimes it's a slew of kids

And I remember someone who had trouble with fertility and their partner was diagnosed with a condition and then months later they were able to be fertile and have a child. That's not a coincidence.

So no I don't find it remarkable that you have a bunch of babies because they came from disease. All of us came from disease and now we have to figure out how to survive and overcome and release the demons.

Now you know why people have sex dreams because they're actually developing eggs/sperm in their body and their experience it overnight

That's the incubus and succubus

Men In Black was based upon climate change and when the system woke up the demons within. And now you have law enforcement or Secret Service observing the population

These microbes are extremely influential developing families as well as passing down their traditions and habits and some people are highly sexualized.

Other people are criminals. Other people do whatever it is they were trained to do. Other people are highly triggered and do damage to somebody else if given the opportunity.

I'm not saying there aren't other outside life forms out there in the Universe but maybe all the aliens are here. Maybe those panspermia microbes merged in with the human prototype develop diversity. And yeah we are the aliens because we are a compilation of the universe developing a highly intelligent Advanced Society and then we also have people who are programmed in a specific way. I couldn't tell you where the original information came from but, at what point did a microbe learn how to count?

And so all the disease are people holding diverse amounts of microbes within and they develop new ones with all the remedies using plants and herbs and extracts. And when you wake up the Beast Within they are on the move and they zap people out of existence.

Who are they?

those diverse microbes within, which hatch and that's why people get diarrhea and they throw up or they have some kind of symptoms. In a slow frequency environment the immune system and the rest of the other systems might have time to merge in with the alien life forms they get exposed to through so many different means. However in a high frequency environment these hatchlings burst open and if you don't condition your body to deal with the energy conversion people don't survive the birth of the new Beast Within the body and they remedy themselves to death and if they have enough body to them potentially they might trigger sexual reproduction.

Which is why you're seeing a bunch of hot chicks all over the internet. They're looking to procreate. But when they do they probably won't develop a baby they'll develop some kind of cancer or disease or a baby with some issues because there's too many microbes attacking the mother as well as a baby in a highly influential diverse environment such as climate change

The traditions of families is to push those aliens back in the body and so then those aliens metastasize and turn into cancer later on or died suddenly..

If people don't have what it takes to release the demons and eat food and deal with pain and suffering yeah it's only a matter of time..

The system knew this a long time ago even back in the 14th 13th century.

Kids born before this last climate change are going to be in for a hell of a fight with their peers and their family and friends. They already are going to constant trips to the hospital. Kids born within the last 3 years are going to be even more behind the eight ball because they're going to have to fight to live in a diverse Society. So that's why some of these kids are born with dementia and other issues within the last 3 years. Or the mother doesn't survive childbirth or a lot of miscarriages. Or they don't make it before they're 21.

Yesterday I had a flurry of sneezes and I had extreme hunger and I fed that hunger and my arm was hurting. I woke up this morning released so many freaking demons. My husband even had his own version of releasing demons diarrhea. And he had heartburn just like I did. And now my arm feels so much better and I have better range of motion and I have no pain this morning.

The Men in Black aliens are representation of the microbes that your body is made up of and you don't attack them you feed them and then release them. But you never ever attack anything in your body or carve it out

however some of you are too far gone you're forced to use a medical system and I'm sorry. That's hard to come back from.

The system wanted so much diversity that it would destroy people which is why the 1960s all about peace love and major procreation even if it was a bunch of viruses versus children

And from what I'm seeing the periods or MENSTRUATION is from having those entities within the body merge in with my host which is me developing that egg looking for an outside host to go and fertilize it. Maybe one day I won't ever have a period because I release the demons from my body not developing eggs for something outside to fertilize it..

Those eggs are from the microbes Within screwing you wanting you to get screwed..

Which is probably why it's too late for children because they have years and years of microbes to release causing them that puberty to go and procreate and if it's women or girls they have a lot of eggs to drop because of so much diverse microbes within their body. And there are boys out there who smell their signals and they can't wait to impregnate the next host out there

A sign of amazing intelligence is to develop an argument for every single Theory and stand in the shoes of that argument and find everything in science to prove your theories. Or prove the theory.

I have no investment in believing one set of scientific arguments based upon our current society today that is going to the Wayside.

I always like taking Devil's Advocate and arguing even against myself because then you know how to acknowledge somebody else's arguments and also be open to a new line of thought. There's no point in trying to prove your side is right or wrong.. science is never settled.

Do the ghosts in the other world feel the tangible items in the areas they haunt? If they do and they're stuck in the area they are most energetic in, maybe it is like living in a broken record. But even though ghosts are Just Energy I think the joy of of life is feeling the pain of change and evolution. I mean to be a ghost is just to exist with only sight thoughts and feelings but no touch. And maybe no feelings if you can't feel pain.

Do ghosts have the ability to feel or are they just the last energy conversion they left the Earth with.

In the interest of order the system must be the one to determine if they want to use one set of theories or another based upon the needs of our society

Heliocentric models imply that people worship the Sun because one day that Sun is going to release the demons and incinerate certain people who make certain choices

Sun worship is extremely important in regulating the human population.. look what happened to Edward Cullen when he went out in the sun. He started pixelating or deteriorating beautifully. But in real life deterioration from pixelation called mucus that IS NOT replaced with lengthening telomeres is downright ugly and painful.

And so you might think I'm a flat earther based upon my recent post but I'm not going to take one side or the other until the system decides to introduce both models as credible. And it may never happen. But maybe it will one day. Or maybe it won't

Maybe the system is waiting for enough Globe Earth people to worship the Sun so much that they voluntarily sacrifice themselves for the cause of human longevity. And right now there's plenty to do outdoors and people are Outdoors despite how hot and aggressive it is

Everything is a theory of course because energy cannot be created or destroyed only converted. Science is always theoretical because relative to the needs of the time and the intentions of the society the models are always apt to change and then new models are developed but there's always going to be a core platform that even if you changed the models, the platform would never change. Because there's always a base model and a baseline to come from. There's a collective Baseline and an individual Baseline and individual baselines will vary but the collective baselines will vary as well but it takes time to change a society. People change all the time. But too much change is detrimental and not enough change is detrimental.

While humans can change their jobs and change their beliefs and even change their clothes the core platform or their society cannot change too much unless the system introduces an aggressive change and then people must figure out how to survive the next theoretical scientific model.

And that's probably why they say evolution is evil because change is deadly and why creation is so great because it's brings to life. And so I understand the fear of evolution.

But there's also danger in creation because then something else must be compromised for something else to be created. Who's going to be sacrificed for that creation. It must come from evolution.

And so even though immortality probably is not new in other times, introducing immortality to this Society is dangerous and so then creationism is dangerous to a world that's trying to evolve from their creationism.

Immortality is a hard transition from mortality

Introducing immortality as a type of creationism in a world that is stuck in evolution. Evolving languages evolving religions and evolving politics. Evolution is slow and creationism is like jumping to the next level without preparing people for the transition

But what I figured out is life is a hybridized version of evolution and creationism dancing together but also at war with each other. Who's getting sacrificed for something to evolve and be created



a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

"Darwin's theory of evolution"






























principled explanations




system of ideas


a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based.

"a theory of education"

an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action.

"my theory would be that the place has been seriously mismanaged"

Creationists you cannot live without evolutionists because for you to evolve there must be a creation. It doesn't matter where it began

creation could begin today if it wanted to

Creationism is when you shed light on a blind spot and you take what's already there and you create something different

Creationism always comes from something existing already even if you didn't know it existed

You could say it's Evolution but evolution would imply that you knew where everything began.. creationism is taking the components of evolution and developing another energetic sequence

So you can have continuous lines of immortalized germline cells or person that keeps surpassing the hayflick limit relative to the diversity in that society and what kind of new life is introduced to that community

And you can have so many different intersecting planes and some would be mortal because they would choose to be and others could be immortal

And when you have so many different intersecting planes with a CenterPoint then you can get order and concentric circles and the circle of life

Maybe Tavistock and the CIA new how interchangeable theories and energy are and so they introduced other arguments so that way they can say goodbye to the old world and bring in the New World.

When you're trying to prove to the world the system lied to you and you are anti-new world order but they introduced to you Flat Earth or other theories that were wholly attached to the conspiracy world that you also propagate, the system is trying to sell you a package deal. The new world

Maybe the New World is Flat. Maybe it was never round. Maybe there is another galaxy and paradigm that you're blinded to that would then upset the current formulas within Kepler and Copernicus. Because you can take a small piece of pie and develop dimensions and limitations and it would still be correct based upon the parameters you develop. And you're not supposed to break the rules of those parameters until the system allows you to become the New Evolution.

And so if you can't accept a certain amount of death then you'll never discover if the Earth was actually flat and if they actually lied to you.

It's almost as if you have to actually break the mold of mortality and even buy into biophysical immortality and also buy into the changes that are going on such as the banking system and digital currency and biometrics

The System was never going to chip those who didn't want to be chipped because you could poop it out or your body would push it out if you had a strong immune system. But if you chose to keep the nanotechnology in your body such as antibodies that are programmed to do specific things then yes that could be construed as the mark of the beast

And so if you want to prove the Bible is true and that they did mention the firmament and Flat Earth then you'd also have to reconsider worshiping a dead person who allegedly died for your sins

Quid pro quo. You can't have it all

My little entity on the back of my neck is smaller my husband says but it is like a firmament

it is dome shaped

it's not a full circle

Intersecting planes equals plane(t) or Circle of life = mortality

And the Flat Earth plane is immortality because it has life..

Mortality and immortality is what keeps life going

And the T in plane t could be upside right or upside down or Jesus versus Satan

You have the choice to be the circle of life or an intersecting plane that isn't flatlined but just keeps continuously going





a flat surface on which a straight line joining any two points on it would wholly lie.

"the horizontal plane"


flat surface

level surface

the flat



a level of existence, thought, or development.

"everything is connected on the spiritual plane"









In order for the system to control the population on the planet you had to buy into a circle of life and also adopt animals that would not live beyond a certain time because you're not allowed to let them suffer if the environment changes especially during seasons and climate change and constant reproduction

And so that's why the globe Earth was probably adopted because if the system was going to control the future populations of extraordinary reproduction you had to buy into the death or circle of life

And so they were correct probably in the Middle Ages when it came to Flat Earth but I don't know at what point they decided that they were going to develop a culture of globe Earth and the circle of life. Probably the same time they knew they were going to use the vaccines to cause extreme fertility and aggressive sexuality

Could I tell you if the dead world is just as good as the alive world. I guess it can't be any different than those who are dark and mean and murderous in the population attracting the creepy ghost that haunt people. Or different levels of antagonization of the Dead world in the living

I've never been dead

I couldn't tell you I don't know how much similarity in the dead World versus the alive world..

And you know the system is not trying to destroy all humans. Because with this climate change and all the different Therapies and then with all the different remedies that people are under different parts of the world are getting a lot more aggressive climate change than others.

Which is why I can prove that humans can always be immortal as a human race however each individual human will have the choice. But to adapt and assimilate to your environment plus dealing with all the little hatchlings in your body it's no easy venture to become biologically immortal

What if this is our universe and relative to where we are in the universe is the astrophysics with specific laws relative to our personal fixed position that's also moving in conjunction with opposing forces moving the opposite direction.

Galileo discovered evidence to support Copernicus' heliocentric theory when he observed four moons in orbit around Jupiter.

But the man who finally gathered scientific proof of that theory was English astronomer James Bradley, born during this month in 1693.

It was the combination of discoveries by Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Sir Isaac Newton that finally proved that Copernicus' heliocentric theory was correct..but..

If we traveled into space could there be other galaxies opposite of our specific system that would put to rest the heliocentric theory and adopt the geocentric theory and there could be other places where there's other orbiting entities in different galaxies relative to what is spinning

What rotates is all relative to perspective but again you have to adopt a certain Universal theory and once everyone learns that theory then they can learn about other theories when all the conditions are right.

The truth changes when science changes because there are infinite arguments but in order to have the order you must adopt one universal theory and then gradually evolve

The law of thermodynamics is energy cannot be created or destroyed only converted. There is no fixed theory about anything. But to keep things uniform and in order there must be one main driving Universal concept and then gradual evolution.

Alphanumeric codes can develop anything you want. But there must be some kind of alignment and consistency to develop order




an imaginary line about which a body rotates.

"the Earth revolves on its axis once every 24 hours"


center line





a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.

"the variable that is thought of as a cause is placed on the horizontal axis, and the variable that is thought of as an effect on the vertical axis"

Well I was hungry about a half hour ago and I ate some chicken salad with Ritz crackers and then right afterwards I had a flurry of sneezes.. you would think I wouldn't be hungry after eating that. Not so fast

Well I think I birthed another Beast or hatched more little demons because I had a major sneeze attack and then right afterwards aggressive hunger. The raised entity on the back of my neck is still there but doesn't hurt. But when I had those flurries of sneezes two weeks ago, it also didn't hurt

But this time I had those flurries of sneezes and then the hunger afterwards that's when you know you birthed a beast within and you have to feed it and release it.

Until my body hatches all the little hatchlings and then releases them and then I have to then fight them and feed them and release them, I will have to deal with that little hump on the back of my neck which is basically my immune system or lymphatic system.

But now I understand the allegory of The Vampire Diaries when the vampires were so hungry during certain times and that hunger hurts. That's some crazy s***..

and you have to feed that hunger with gluten and meat and milk and cheese and sometimes it's not enough. But you still have to keep feeding and feeding and feeding until that Colony is fat and happy and then released

Father's Day is coming up. I appreciated the roof over my head and the respect for my future.

You could have been far away or you could have lived in my house and you gave me the means to sustain myself. Whether I really knew you then and do I even know you now is irrelevant because you gave me life from the support helping my mother shape my future. Some fathers give life to their children. Other fathers give life and become a means of support directly and indirectly.

All fathers give life to their children. The system will determine who raises them.

My advice to everyone, be thankful somebody gave you life regardless if they were there right next to you or they gave you the Breath of Life.

As far as role models. You will choose the role models in your world and sometimes you become your own role model and you evolve and change.

There's no such thing as deadbeat dads or deadbeat moms.

There's such thing as deadbeat humans.

As soon as you make an accusation someone is a deadbeat human then you are projecting what you will be and you'll find every excuse not to perform because you've already sealed your fate.

Children born into today's society have so many role models to choose from. They don't necessarily have to choose their parents as their role models. So then you don't have any business calling your parents or anyone else's parents dead bear moms or dads.

That term must go to the wayside.. and it never fails I will always see somebody on my Facebook use that term to make themselves feel better they did something they thought was right.

But don't pat yourself on the back too much because maybe you weren't the best representation of a parent.

So just because you stepped up, doesn't mean that you taught your child the way they needed to be taught...

you could have been the type of parent developing a monster in our society. So please don't get too quick into thinking you're better than somebody else

I've known plenty of people who were fatherless who made some amazing choices for themselves. And other people who had parents and they turned out to be monsters

That term "deadbeat mom or dad" is a very ghetto archaic pejorative destructive term said by people who want to blame somebody else for why they can't pull themselves up by their own bootstraps

Climate change accelerates growth plus adding in more fertility from the therapies and of course lifestyle and belief system and then all the remedies disabling the respiratory system and the alimentary canal from releasing

Plenty of times my system had the opportunity to trigger a cancer diagnosis but my 11 different systems are working the way they're supposed to

I mean why do you think the banking system exists. Why the system left the gold standard to then develop money out of thin air based upon perception of value and incentivizing people to do things and making your currency go as little or as far as a system needed you to be incentivized to do what you need to do.

You can't have BILLIONS people destroying Mother Earth looking for gold in order to develop a financial system. That's not sustainable

And I don't play the stock market of investing in gold or silver anything else because it's all pump and dump.

Your worth is based on your contribution level and then your survivability and the choices you make. Nothing is ever for free regardless. But how the system develops the loan system and the payment system is based upon the needs of the society and its ability to convert energy into something sustainable

Sometimes Financial models must change and it's up to the government to figure out the needs of society based upon the types of people they're dealing with and working with.

And so educational loans are something the system can play with as far as a models of giving the loans out and then the repayment plan.

And plans change..

I mean why do you think they make loans cheap or expensive relative to what the system needed to see what people do when given the opportunity.

When you're doubling tripling quadrupling the population in a matter of decades you have to have a very sound financial system with rules and regulations so that way the system can pull the strings when it needs to. And I completely understand that.

And then you get people to work themselves to death if they don't understand the Illusions they live in. But hey you wanted that nice life of fancy cars and Social Capital

Well, you have to pay for it and sometimes it's with your family, who are used as collateral as well as your body Mind and Spirit..

and some people who are given the gift of extreme genetics will try to sell their lifestyle to people who don't have what it takes to be them but they'll die trying

Remember I came from "nothing" and I had to rebuild myself and go through a long process of pain and suffering and fixing my own foibles. I'm not trying to sell you a workout regime or hot chick protocol.

Fort Myers Florida oh my God

I'm not surprised Miami is underwater because eventually we knew that was going to happen

when kids hit puberty, you hope the parents and the children survive each other.. because puberty is the ultimate demon to survive..

Which is why it will take scientists to raise people from 1 to 13 and maybe allow that child to survive everyone around them. The first 13 years are the most important in everything you do with that child and what they see and what they hear and what they eat and who you expose them to lays the groundwork for potential survivability or future died suddenly

Once boys and girls hit puberty you pretty much have no power parents and the kids are going to run rough shod especially if they are maturing extremely fast and becoming stronger as the parents are deteriorating.

Which is why these kids are a bit more dangerous now because they become stronger earlier and cunning and highly sexualized.

Your kids might be a cakewalk before they're 13 but just wait it gets even harder

when people get their periods earlier and earlier, the trapped antibodies laying dormant woke up from climate change and caused immune system activation/sexual reproduction/microbial fornication and then aggressive sexuality and early puberty relative to the prior culture.

In a slower frequency environment the system delayed maturation and indoctrinated people to live with a specific programming with relative normalcy until they decided to change it and so now maturation is happening faster and kids are dying sooner which is why they're dying Suddenly earlier than most people expect.

So my mother did right by me she slowed down my maturation she did not allow my peers to mature me aggressively like they do in high school so thank God I left High School and I found my own way in the world. Yes I went through hell but I didn't get trapped in the high school click b*******

And even though I got my period at 13 in seventh grade she made sure I didn't get pregnant in high school or have a bunch of boyfriends or anything like that because that sets people up for single motherhood and also trapped into having a family earlier and earlier and earlier.. or become a social media influencer pornstar showing off their body to everybody who will look. I went down that road too not as a pornstar but yes I was cute very cute. But that also will make you a Target when you have to attract sexually aggressive males and females because of what you post on Facebook

how do i know my concepts are sound?

after suffering from so much pain and release the last 7 years, you would think my bones would be brittle from all that stress..

nope.. i can jump off my husband's boat and NOT shatter ankles or bones.. my husband has hard bones, and i used to have "weaker" bones, but after all the meat milk, cheese, eggs and fruits and veggies and releasing demons, my bones are strong. My blood vessels are strong.. EVERYTHING is strong in my body, mind and spirit.

i am also clean and sober.. no smoking, drinking or doing drugs..

100% sober. And, even though all my "plumbing" works, I do not actively pursue turning on the "faucet".. And, when the climate changes so aggressively twice a year from hot to cold and cold to hot, I might drop an egg or 2 (relative to the antibodies in my body or public/private microbial exposure).. but I will not actively fertilize it..

if a gu n is the first thing you go to, to "protect" yourself, you are a deadly highly triggered person.

you literally must be backed against the wall and fear for your life to justify deploying a fire arm against ANYONE.

IF YOU MUST BE armed walking in public or private, you are knowingly walking into danger.

friendly fire is when you deploy third party protection who could not protect you from yourself and your choices.

and so, if you are extremely strong and adaptable, you could be the ultimate human of the future..

but if your defense system or immune system is soooooo strong, it is like having a large standing army kicking down doors and friendly fire and predatory..

trapped primary/secondary antibodies in the body turn into cancer, disease, chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, and children.

those are the demons

the remedies and surgeries and addictions make the trapped antibodies stronger and deadlier.

you either develop your protection within your environment or you deploy scientists and snake oil salesmen to sell you their version of "protection" that does NOT protect you.. lol

you either can protect yourself or you cannot.. you cannot buy protection ore rely on a third party or product to protect you..

you will either protect yourself or not.

people suffer from relying on third party protections until died suddenly is the only humane way to go.. which is why i take care of no animal or child or any dependent.

There is NO way I can protect them from themselves or the environment without "locking" them up or becoming their overseer.. I am just a proxy to their death and suffering..

so if you think buying protections from people on the internet is protecting your kids, animals and dependents, no.. you have been used as the grim reaper..

taking care of anyone or anything is not taking care of them.. you were just used to manage their death process during their life until they can "protect" themselves.. and you are a party to conditioning people to suffer and die..

You were employed by the science Community to manage the petri dish called your family and friends and dependents


So if you think raising children is your claim to fame

you're raising them to basically pass away. Because if you cannot protect yourself and always deploying third parties how the hell are the kids going to protect themselves if you can't even protect yourself mom and dad. And Grandma.

You were caught up in the deception of the system needing Petri dishes. Diverse amounts of Petri dishes

Trapping the Primary/Secondary Antibodies in the Body causes aggressive fertility aka cancer disease chronic illness aging and children as well as SEXUAL ORIENTATION..

omg. we will be going back to the population of the 1600s but with more of an advanced society.

You are in the games of Ultimate Survivor..

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