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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

The Infamous Jewelry Box Incident and 9/11/2001

The main takeaway is when you're so overprotective one day you won't be around to protect your kid and they will be victimized and then they'll turn into a predator that you can't control anymore because you never could..

When these boys and girls raised as "good people" completely overprotected by their family when they finally realize how deadly the world is and they get victimized by somebody some of them do not survive it or get over it

and then they turn into serial killers or predators or misogynist who hate women..

or they turn into to manipulative women who destroy other women and men when given the opportunity.. the Black Widow complex and the queen bee complex

or they turn into women who have a billion babies and then get destroyed by their own family..

If you don't even know how to control your own power as a parent because you had children from trauma, your children will be deadly and it's already happening.

Or your children will be too weak to defend themselves in precarious situations and a human trafficker gets a hold of them

Or he end up on Tinder victimized by a woman who's looking to rob him or he changes the wrong tire and someone hurts them because they were so good and so kind and they ended up at the bottom of Lady Bird Lake in Austin Texas

Why do people become deadly. Because inevitably they'll walk into a situation they were not equipped for and they'll get victimized and they'll spend the rest of their life getting back at everyone or Channel their anger through sexuality and addiction and violence.

Which is why over protection is f****** deadly great which is why getting so many vaccines could be very deadly great which is why giving your kids remedies is very deadly because you're over protection is going to cost them

and all of those remedies are going to trash their immune system and trash their fight or flight syndrome and you dull their senses and then they get victimized and traumatized and then on top of that have kids who become another victim and then another predator and that cycle goes on until somebody stops the bleeding

Yeah raising weak children turn into a victim at the bottom of Lady Bird Lake in Austin Texas or human trafficked in other countries or destroyed by a predator.

But raising mean bullies will turn into something deadly and then the system has to regulate them. So you can't raise bullies either. You can't raise victims and you can't raise bullies so what the f*** do you do

oh maybe you shouldnt be raising kids then

The Jewelry Box and 9/11/2001 ( Pandora's Box)

Which is probably why I do not wear jewelry.

I am sure you are all wondering what prompted my little outbursts the last few day influenced by people stalking my page in CA.

Well, I can tell you how I know 9/11/2001 and all wars were used to induce fear and change and also innovation and why I do not buy jewelry to this day nor had any affinity for jewelry.

The "infamous" jewelry box experiment to start off the war to see between my sister and I, who would be the one to "rise above" and be the "evil" one and who would bend to a fear.

The system knew even back in the 80's how fear is used to control and regulate people along with many other factors like genetics and drugs and allegory. The system also knew they had to "trump" up a situation to get the ball rolling.

The situation or 9/11 in my world and my sister's world was the Jewelry Box in my mother's bedroom of which both my sister and I knew never ever to go into her room and "touch her things".. or else there would be hell to pay.

Well, my mother knew what good kids we were because she made us that way until one day she accused us of moving her jewelry around in her Jewelry box and confronted us.

Now, at age 5 and 8 or something like that, we did not know how calculating people can be and so when we were accused by her of touching her jewelry that was when the war between my sister and I started. We both denied the accusations but she did not believe us. Of course not, lol, it never happened.

We were told to go to our rooms and sit on the floor until one of us came forward and admitted it. Now you know that was a test to see which person can be so convincing to negotiate a way to talk our way out of punishment like sitting in our rooms.

Well, I figured out a way to convince my sister to take the fall and to this day I know none of us ever touched our mother's jewelry. But I figured out how to get my sister to admit she did it and I know she never did, today, but I was not sure back then.

So, she took the fall, got punished ( i don't remember the punishment) and then I knew to how to use that situation to make her do shit for me lol, like do the dishes, or clean the floor by threatening if she did not do as I say like whatever kids want at 8 years old, I would do something "bad" and then blame it on her..

She would get so mad omg, and I would not blame her and she would acquiesce and that was how we experienced our own 9/11 was an inside job. That was the day we were never ever to be "sisters" again because we developed a distrust between each other due to those circumstance.

To this day I do not buy jewelry or even want jewelry and that is why my sister hated me and how could I blame her.

When shit like that is perpetrated onto children or a lay population and you have no idea how calculating people can be it shocks you, but it also makes you aware of how calculating women and your peers could be when given the chance.

Information like this can make you stronger or destroy you if you do not have the strength to release that phucked up demon.

Of course when mutual friends who grew up with us had their own issues with my mother and myself and both of us were hated and of course my mother was hated for certain choices she made around someone else's situation and we never knew why friendships broke up.

I know why, some people broke code in their marriages which probably prompted a breakup of sorts and then rumors, innuendos and sides were taken and then I was the scapegoat for it all.. and my mother made the right choice breaking apart from certain situations exposing us to somebody breaking code in another context. When you raise your children you don't want them to see or experience a divorce situation if it didn't happen in their own family. We we had to be exposed to an intact family like her own and that was another genius f****** move

It is phucked up to have to endure people's assumptions but I chose to not to get lost in drugs and alcohol, I may have dated people and get caught up in sort of "dangerous" situations according to some, but I found my way out by strategizing, the way my mother taught me and saved myself.

Which is why I left California and why I wanted to escape California. To escape whatever it is people thought of me and anything else because I couldn't figure out what the f*** was going on.

But yes I was under heavy heavy experimentation and also learning how to deal with these demons that were running the f*** out of me. And yeah that was probably where my pmdd came from. So when I would call off of work it was because the demons were rearing their ugly heads and I had to f****** deal with them and save myself. But all of us have demons. And if we can survive our demons we have a better chance over others

So, you could say my mother was "evil" and part of me would agree with you because it was hell the last 8 years uncovering all the bullshit and facing my own choices, but part of me thinks that was a genius move.

She broke no laws and she cultivated and brought out the innovation in both of us and ensured we did not get exposed to violence so we never wanted to repeat images like death and violence. We would learn how phucked up our peers would be in certain situations. I see how phucked up my peers can be, holy shit.

We ultimately were given a set of cards we are dealt, but how we play those cards will determine our survival.

My mother did it right... thank you mom.

I honor my marriage and the code of marriage and I do not Advocate violence and I do not promote death.

As far as the sexuality demon that was based upon my Society and of course movies and whatever and then whatever choices I made channeled through California lifestyle of f****** everything and sexual orientation. Not literally f****** everything but you know how it is in California "everyone" screws each other. Even people who are devout Christians.

They go through their own b******* of going through a bunch of men to finally find the right Christian man. So don't even get high and mighty around that. We're not in the 15th century or some virginal princess being married off to some Prince. What do they call it, serial monogamy?

But that sex demon woke up after my twenties. My peers around 19 definitely sexualized me along with the mainstream media.

Opportunistic males who need to conquer something always find little 19 year old who doesn't know any better and corrupt her and break her in. That's how I know men can be just as deadly as women when given the chance.

That's how I know your daughters are in for a f****** rude awakening when your Sons get a hold of some girl who actually has no idea how to deal with her sexuality and anything else and so she'll be destroyed by her peers especially in this environment and then be forced to have children and then disintegrate assuming she survives or her child survives

Now I'm Little Miss Pollyanna puritanical person because I've been through some b******* and I've seen what it's like to be f***** up and in your hormones and in pain from whatever and I released all of that.

I became a really upstanding citizen

Which is why all the good girls out there when you're raising your girls to be so good eventually when they get corrupted by your boys you hope she survives that situation and sometimes these girls will become evil because they were so good they can't control the demon when they finally get a taste of power

So now I see no reason to wield my power of sexuality or anything else over anyone else.

You guys will figure it out or you won't or you'll use your power for evil and not for good and think you can convert people and save them or go after who you think is the enemy.

I realize now you had to save yourself and you needed a platform a stable platform to do that.

A lot of that came from my background raised by my mother and her tactics. I do not chase after a savior nor do I hunt for a Satan and I am fully responsible for all of my choices and I leave situations that are f****** bad for me. I'm neither a drug addict or an alcoholic and I do not smoke cigarettes and I stay home and stay safe because I know how f***** up my peers are out there and I won't get caught up in any situation that would destroy me directly or indirectly. That was due in part to the tactics of my mother. She is a f****** genius.

Everyone has an evil and a good side and sometimes evil has to come out first so you can get to the good side.

And you hope you survive the evilness whatever that is. But if you're all good in the beginning you'll become f****** Evil later on because that side has yet to come out especially when people get a taste of how powerful they could be using their looks sexuality and even their brute strength over somebody else to make people bend to their will.

The system knew what monsters they created in our Society and that's why we're in a great reset and I hope you survive even your own family..

And so if you're about bringing up a good girl first of all she'll be destroyed by the nearest guy that sniffs her and second of all that's not going to last very long. You hope she survives learning both sides of her personality.

But what's going to happen with these girls is there going to be so good in the beginning and then get corrupted and destroyed or become f****** evil later on and that's why I stay home and stay safe

I know how f****** evil some of these women are out there and I stay away from everybody. I know what kind of power I wielded as a child so I know what kind of power some of these women wield over their friends and family and whoever else who kisses her feet.

Which is also why some of these women and men are don't realize owning a pet can be very destructive and cause a great suffering. But when the evil side of you comes out owning a pet and giving them to the veterinary system it is not that difficult to be cold and uncaring around the plight of animals because if you don't feel the pain of veterinarian doing whatever to the animals it's easy to own and enslave something when you're under the influence yourself.

And that's why all these good girls own animals. So they can perpetrate the evil side through the veterinary system through a proxy.. the medical Surgical and Veterinary system is a proxy of "evil" that is State sanctioned and a buffer to people's suffering..

I'm f****** done..

And when you raise girls who are so "good" in the beginning when they're my age they become calculating and f****** jealous of whatever and then they become destructive.

I'm serious that's what happens when you raise such good girls they get corrupted and destroyed by their society..

Cinderella turns into the mean step sister

Because how many girls now who are my age were probably "virginal and good" according to their parents and Society are now dealing with cancer disease chronic illness alcoholism drug addiction or have a billion kids treating their diseases and a slave to somebody's situation..

Pretty much everybody out there. That's why I stay home and stay safe. I know what Society I live in. I know the image people put out there but the facade is cracking.

So yeah the conspiracy theorists were correct. The system can contrive any situation and get you guys to react and all of you are so predictable in your reactions.

And that's how I know there's a shadow government that you cant prove exists because nobody can confirm or deny in the government.

You can't use anecdotal evidence as fact and you can't put something on trial that never existed. That is how strategic the government is and that's why I f****** respect them

and you don't f*** with your government

You survive and respect their tactics and save your damn self because your kids may or may not survive whatever it is that you believed at the time and still do today

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