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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

The Eclipse Was a Harbinger of Doom_April 8 2024

Dormant beasts during the winter. Everything is in hibernation

Springtime is when the beasts lay their eggs

Summer is incubation

Fall is when the earth is crawling with pestilence

You will have microclimates everywhere with different seasons in different regions and in different immune systems

It's extremely hard to predict what kind of Seasons people are dealing with because it's winter for some people and Summer for others and fall for others and spring for somebody else immunologically regardless of the microclimates and the seasons and the culture they're in. Ultra low frequency will accelerate whatever Seasons people are in plus then their lifestyle and belief system

Moles are life

That's why your release process must be on point so you don't have major hot spots burning holes into your skin.

Skin cancer is when the life on your skin because extremely influential because your immune system is poor and you release process is sluggish

Melanin is made up of neuropeptides and they are important part of the brain development and the growth process and they are highly influential and they must be regulated. That's why when people go out in the sun they get tan because that's the buildup of melanin which is a neuropeptide and it produces growth and development and some cultures are born in extremely hot societies with melanin and all year round and developing children with melanin that even if they go to a country with hardly any sun they could still stay highly melanated however over time melanin fades

but to become extremely white it takes many years of evolution for the body to release all types of melanin and allow the skin to absorb the vitamin D or the UV rays which is why you get people who are vitamin D deficient and colder climates because the highly melanated skin is blocking the important rays of the Sun

That's why humidity can be deadly because the UV rays are more intense when the sun reflects through them and the rains are more intense as well

You're right, atmospheric water and bodies of water have been weaponized. This is why you have to understand how climate change will affect biodiversity and their growth and development. Which is why considering changing where you live and your lifestyle belief system might give you another avenue to increase your life expectancy

That's why it's asinine to think that voting for your favorite candidate is going to save you when you haven't even figured out your atmosphere and your lifestyle are what's killing you

and your favorite politician can't save you from yourself. Our ancestors lived in caves for a reason because of whatever was going on at the time and that's why I hibernate upstairs in my room when it's really bad outside

People thought I was stupid putting blackout curtains on my windows but I know how aggressive the Sun is because I know those particulates that you see in the skies, well they are reflecting up or down based upon the kind of negative or positive materials elements reacting to temperature influencing intention.

 I understand atmospheric physics

And I know how atmospheric physics affects biodiversity and that's why I get so angry at parents out there because they don't understand physics or chemistry and the water reflecting back also becomes highly influential along with the chemicals in the water as well as the bacteria near freshwater lakes and oceans

So you can only imagine what swimming pools are like

And when there is no cloud in sight and the Sun is shining directly on my window and I have the blackout curtains up those curtains are hot to the touch and you can only imagine what the Sun and those reflective particles are doing to children, animals and to adults when they are stuck in the white hot sun with no relief not realizing how deadly the atmosphere is..

And I feel bad for these babies baking in the sun because nobody realizes how deadly the atmosphere is. And that was for a reason that's why everything was a slow boil and people never really felt the changes until it was too late..

Middle aged adults with substance can handle something like that but children and animals will become even more in deficit trying to keep up with the atmosphere and their lifestyle and traditions they never changed

But beware: the reflection of the water intensifies the sun's UV rays, making them about 20 percent more intense.Aug 16, 2022

Yes, water reflection significantly increases the intensity of UV rays, meaning you can experience higher levels of UV exposure when near a body of water due to the reflected sunlight bouncing back towards you; this is why people are more prone to sunburn while swimming or near the beach.

Key points about water reflection and UV rays:

Reflection principle:

Like other smooth surfaces, water reflects a portion of the sun's UV rays, effectively increasing the amount of UV radiation reaching your skin.

Increased sunburn risk:

This reflection can lead to a higher risk of sunburn, especially when the sun is high in the sky and the water is calm.

Other reflective surfaces:

Snow and sand also reflect a significant amount of UV radiation, further contributing to high UV levels in certain environments.

During climate change and high ultra low frequency and bright hot summer days swimming in a pool or any kind of body of water is basically breaking down your immune system.

But since the system knows how to perfect ultra low frequencies it happens progressively and systematically versus right away.

 But when you boil chicken that's exactly what people do during climate change when they're swimming in the ocean and in pools during climate change.

And probably why I looked like I was death warmed over fishing with my husband in the white hot sun sneezing a billion times in a row last Summer.

My body was breaking down and my body was releasing the excessive life and that's why I haven't been on the boat since because the environment is too aggressive whether it's too cold or too hot or too bright.

So yeah when you are swimming during these hot sunny days people are boiling their friends and family to death and their animals

They're boiling their families to death

And when that climate and the frequencies are so much more like yesterday when it was so bright hot yesterday I was sneezing and my nose was filling up and I was a little bit out of sorts and triggered. Because I was experiencing very slight protein denaturation

Protein denaturation

When a cell is placed in boiling water, it will die due to the extreme heat, which causes the cell membrane to become disrupted, proteins within the cell to denature (lose their shape and function), and ultimately leading to the cell's destruction and release of its contents; essentially, the cell collapses and ceases to function as a living unit.

Key points about this process:

Membrane disruption:

The heat disrupts the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane, making it more permeable and allowing cell contents to leak out.

Protein denaturation:

Proteins within the cell, which are vital for various cellular processes, lose their 3D structure due to the heat, rendering them inactive.

Cell lysis:

As the cell membrane disintegrates, the cell essentially "bursts" releasing its contents into the surrounding environment.

What hell is is when people jump into water during climate change. That's what the hell they're talking about

And since you have to jump into hell sea level is like being in hell. You have to jump from a cliff into the boiling water or highly influential Waters or jump into the ocean

The fiery pits of hell is relative.. and you could be incinerated to death and dehydrated in the arid desert like a convection oven becoming lithium and Limestone and petrified or you can jump into the fiery pits of Hell called the ocean and lake and poolwater during climate change and you'll essentially for all intents and purposes be boiled to death or induce protein denaturation..

Water can be life and water can be weaponized

And so I only drink water but I don't play in the rain or the snow really and I don't play in the pool water ocean water or lake water and I really can't go fishing because that water reflecting Sun will break me down faster and I'll get sick again. And that f****** sucks but that's kind of how s*** goes right now

And so it's an OUTDOORman's world and a big woman's world..

And I will just sit here and collect substance and deal with my immediate environment and hibernate and eat

Everything in water has been weaponized and influenced. The chemicals in the water are highly influential and the reflection from the water is highly influential and the life in the water is highly influential. And so I just take showers.

 I don't even take baths. I take showers..

Even the water in the air has been weaponized and influenced through catalysts

 I won't sit and swim and boil in any kind of water indoors or outdoors.

I grew up with an inground pool and I learned how to swim at an early age and I miss swimming but now I won't do it anymore. Not until the climate has changed and we go back to where we were before after the system has scaled down so many people and that's not going to be for a long time..

The ultra low frequency is The Hidden Hand that people don't understand..

Flash floods are more destructive than a lazy brook in the middle of the forest

Particle acceleration is relative to the increased rate of particles in a highly influential environment

Now you see why the system can't tell you anything because the things that I just mentioned people would have an issue with that info if someone came to them personally and said what I'm saying to everybody out there and I don't care who listens.

When you tell people something is dangerous and they don't see danger for what it is they'll tell you to f*** off. And they'll say you're trying to control them

And that kind of reaction is an adolescent point of view and so the system has weaponized adolescence against themselves as well as their own family and friends

Again Dr Seuss was correct

Adults are obsolete children in adolescent clothing And behaviors

So the system gives information through so many different means and then it's up to you

You're free to make all the choices you want but you're not free from the consequences. And there's no one to blame

I'm so glad my husband has watched me go through these bouts of sickness and hot spots from exposure to Sun and microbes and influence. He seen me do what I have to do to release the excessive temperature difference through hawking up loogies or pooping or taking hot showers to open up blood vessels to allow everything to push through. Cold weather cold water and air conditioning causes blood vessel constriction which can make things painful which is why learning how to feel the temperatures and feel the pain of blood vessels expanding and contracting is how you could potentially save yourself if you're sober.

And so even though it wasn't that hot yesterday it was the ultra low frequency that made things hot even though it was only 63° outside it was like 71° inside and it was hot and then I turn the AC on causing blood vessel constriction.

The ultra low frequency is the third entity people don't realize. It's not just the inside temperature and the outside temperature and if you are adverse to pain you won't allow your immune system and your blood vessels to expand and contract and be reinforced with food and so one day you have deadly protein denaturation and people die from aneurysms and strokes and heart attacks

There is more than just inside temperature and outside temperature

you have other frequencies that manipulate the inside and the outside temperatures

And it is impossible to protect yourself from ultra low frequency especially when it's everything in your environment

It is more than just Wi-Fi Or radiation or whatever else people are telling you to buy protection from. You have to keep up with all the energy in the environment and be aware of what they are and also be aware of not saturating yourself in environmental conditions that you can't get away from like all types of bodies of water and even weather and the Sun..

And that's why Black Mirror showed people living in front of their TV and computer in a dark room because the atmosphere is extremely aggressive. And you can't escape those frequencies when you purposely saturate yourself in very unforgiving environmental condition

And that's why I invest in food to keep up with the level of the environment because it is highly influential and accelerated and atmospheric conditions and bodies of water makes EVERYTHING even more deadly.

And so when the ultra low frequency accelerates I feel heart palpitations and then I also digest my food faster and i am also hungry faster and I make sure I eat and let my body process everything as fast as the environment allows it to

And what happens is people resist the acceleration of the environment and take drugs to slow down their body and that's called resistance called breakage

people die from protein denaturation from resistance in the remedies world and the Pharmaceuticals world and the starvation world

The laws of thermodynamics have been increased which is why died suddenly or deadly entropy has been multiplied astronomically and why every single remedy and therapy and everything you're doing with diverse people is accelerating everything you're trying to slow down.

You're actually racing to die.

People are racing to the bottom as fast as possible.

Which is also why fertility will become more deadly for everybody

It's extremely bright outside and so I took a picture of the blackout curtains and where the sun is shining right on the window and the blackout curtains are taking on the heat and it's thermal red.

I close the bathroom door and the sun isn't shining as bright in the bathroom because I have blackout shower curtains because in the morning it's very bright.

When the temperature shifts I can feel entropy and my shoulders are a lot more sensitive and painful because there are migration patterns within my immune system that I can feel the blood vessels expand and contract pushing material through narrow neural passageways based upon the temperature.

The sun does not burn the same in this climate change. The sun has been burning differently slowly but surely only I was more cured than not and then I realize that the PMS had everything to do with climate change.

We were seeing lines in the sky as children but it was higher up and they become closer and closer as a years progressed

I was more sensitive to the change of the seasons as i matured and then even more sensitive every month during the reproductive climate change that women have to go through. But I don't have to go through it anymore. Now it's just a full body climate change versus a reproductive climate change. Fertility can be extremely painful and it's all relative.

And I'll tell you chronic conditions come from fertility or antibodies trapped in the immune system under the influence of drugs and Herbal remedies and treatments which is also why some people get pregnant after they get a diagnosis

And the only reason why people are not in pain is because they're either staying away from food that will help them repair and release and they're under cures and herbs and extracts and remedies and diets living off of fumes and that's the aging process. Yeah they might eat food but that food is feeding the beasts but it's not enough food for the immune system use it for the body so it keeps the Beast going and the Beast are still eating away at your soul and your body and your mind

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