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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

The Anti-Christ and Ocular Immune System Activation

It's done.

I have given you every single science of explanation on everything.. The system has warned all of you..

You will choose your own path in life and..death

I'm not looking at the eclipse at all because all the weird lights before and after and throughout the whole situation will be causing immune system activation and potentially even blindness.. For children and adults..

Blind people dodging cracks in the earth... Called died suddenly..

It's done.

The Anti-Christ and Ocular Immune System Activation

Oh boy!! I never thought I would cover my perspective of the Anti-Christ, but now is better "late" than never.

So everything is about opposites and balancing forces and moralistic dichotomous standpoints of which justifies bad behavior and intolerance. We have characterization about opposites and balancing forces such as good/evil, bad/good, healthy/unhealthy, and so on and so forth.

Relative to which side you stand on, one could make claims against the opposing teams that the opposing teams could also make claims against them.

The most popular moralistic dichotomous standpoint or MDS is calling anyone who balances life with death, the Anti-Christ.

This is a biggy for me given I was raised Jewish and I know how many view the Jewish people and it is pretty upsetting to me.

Death must happen in order for life to live on without causing all out extinction, but who lives and who dies? That is the million dollar question!! Given my background in the Jewish Religion and raised by Scientists with the Jilly Juice World as my personal platform, I am giving people the choice to save their own life or succumb to the dogmas of eventual death perpetrated by Christians, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists and other energy type gurus.

I am advocating people do NOT have to die someday and they need all food, rest and effective release.

I am advocating you do NOT need to suffer to die, but if you want to live, one must suffer through all of their transgressions and "repent" biologically to potentially develop a new lease on life. I am saying YOU have the power to make that choice and you have the power to choose. I have proven that one could potentially surpass the Hayflick Limit and develop another immortalized germline cell with a downline of somatic cells that could redouble itself 50 times over giving you another 50 years or more or until the climate changes, yet again.

I have yet to see any Christian even say potentially a person could live beyond 115 years and I see many people even in the Islamic world say you are supposed to die someday.

I even see that in Hindus, Buddhists, Chinese, Japanese religions embrace death and destruction through operations, drugs and addictions and even starvation, or fasting.

People make out anyone who does not embrace Christ as the Devil advocating death and destruction or Anti-Christ, but in all reality many Christians come off as Anti-Christian embracing death and destruction and calling those who "agree" with them, Anti-Christian. You said you are supposed to be raptured and go to heaven. You said Christ died for your sins therefore death is ok and you cannot wait to go to heaven and see your maker. You said that Oncology was Christian and what god intended. You said you have no power over your body mind and spirit. You did not want to learn anything different aside from whatever scripture justified your issues of the day. This also goes for Hebrews as well, not just Christians.

It boggles the mind what I have observed in all the religions I have studied and even encountered personally through my journey in life.

So if you call anyone in the WEF or me or anyone else who does not claim Christianity as the Anti-Christ, maybe take a deeper look at your own beliefs and intolerances and maybe you hold both Christianity and anti-Christianity within based upon your belief in death, dying, destruction and suffering to die, not suffer to live.

As far as the Eclipse, the system keeps warning people to stay home, stay safe, don't look at the Eclipse unless you wear a "protective" glasses, but there will be weird flashing lights 20 minutes before and after.

If you choose to go out and look at the Eclipse and even be out there at all, you brought it on yourself.

The system keeps warning EVERYONE, but those who are so oblivious are also Christians, Jews, Islam, Buddhists, etc all are choosing to follow the masses..

You chose.

Star Wars = May the Force Be With You, Not Against You

0=ULF(ultra low frequency) (magic/invisble energy/force) (attract/repel particles)

1=1particle (mom) (+)

2=2particle (dad) ( - )

3=offspring (adaptive or maladaptive)

to survive entropy/thermodynamics, one must eat ALL FOOD AND release effectively

One must be aware of climate change and all the distractions making you deny and even resist climate change..

which is why aggressive aging, turbo cancers and died suddenlies.

I'm not as stupid as some people think I look and sound like..

I'm just not as socially acceptable as someone to listen to via your programming . You were programmed to resist to me..

Well it worked..

Good luck..

Evolution is necessary for survival.. All food is necessary for survival.

Paying attention to everything around you and all the people who are dying and dead should have been an indicator .

You have one more chance.. When you feel something what will you do..???

What will you do?

Don't get mad at me.

I've been trying to give you a clue..

Even give you the answer if you can handle it..

The problem and the solution is in your shit and in your food..

And you will figure out which one it is.. Some people will die for their shit.. Afraid of food.

Some people will live for food and get rid of their shit..

Some people will say food is poison and they will hold all the bullshit inside

Some people say that their shit is poison and they will eat all food..

You will figure it out..

it is the skinny women under a diagnosis getting treatments who are having a hard time surviving the TREATMENTS in ohio..

that should alarm all men/women everywhere.

that should tell you size is EVERYTHING and tolerance to pain/suffering and tolerance to all food is PARAMOUNT.



Larger women.. With animals and friends and family.. When the u l f is increased. You will be exhausted trying to release those demons and eat to replace the substance your friends and family animals take from you from constant reproduction of microbes..

Again, the system is going to wear people out who are in resistance to climate change.

Again what brought you all together.. Will drive you apart. The weakest ones get sacrificed first until somebody fucking wakes up.

Larger women will have an issue with increasing obesity because they're not relieving INTESTINAL pressure..

And j juice is so effective, it will slam the doors and cure you into constipation..

You resist the systems intentions.. They will use your lifestyle against you..

The climate has changed.. Some of you are set up to fail. Some of you have been in my world for such a long time and you fell off my information..

You did not choose to evolve with me.

I'm sorry I tried to warn you.

It's not only the zombie apocalypse of synchronized chaos you must worry about.. It's also the invisible force you cant even see.. Some of you will lucky enough to feel it.. But not everybody.

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