Time to read and learn
It's kind of interesting that my book is called another arm of the hydra.. As this book, Prairie Fire is trying to cut off the tentacle of imperialism..
I know nothing about my parents except that I was raised in a certain way. I know the 1960s and '70s and 50s were full of so much experimentation and programs. I have no idea to what level anyone in my world was part of. I may never know and I'm okay with that
I just know I ended up developing something that's amazing for myself with a potential for the future. Yes the system can develop so many people at different times and they have labs to do that and even surrogate mothers waiting to have a child and raise it the way the system needs it to be raised to be a productive member of society. But what about those who've already given their time to the government and Society and they found a way to survive the changes in the world?
They should get a chance to use the memories they earned and even survived to not only keep themselves alive but to also give other people a glimpse of what it's like to live through the worst times the best times and the most trying times.
My world is to give people who are ready given so much to the system a chance to change and pull back and redirect.
My world is about taking the memories you've already earned and converting them into survivability. My world is about earning your way into the next world with the memories which is also known as future cash and weather the storms and be the next amazing representation for the future.
The future doesn't have to be scary. It doesn't have to be something to resist. The Future doesn't have to be something so evil because it's different than what you've known.
The future is about understanding the balance and there's always got to be a human sacrifice but you don't have to be one if you are intelligent and intellectually capable enough to sidestep what you've already accepted. The only issue is what you've already accepted is coming faster than what you've expected which is why it's necessary to do something different if you want to survive climate change and a transition from the old world to the new world.
So even though Prairie Fire was basically the Communist Manifesto for the 1960s and seventies it doesn't mean it has to end up the way you think it's going to end up.
There's so much reverse reverse reverse reverse reverse psychology that you are being given a chance to redirect if you are open to change and you have the infrastructure. Some people will not get a choice because they live in an old world and they refuse to change. Some people will get the choice because they live in a new world but they have to shed the old world ideas in order to adapt to the new world. I'm just here to tell you it's possible but it's painful.
The powers that be are not trying to hurt you. The powers that be are truly trying to save Humanity but humans are so resistant that they'll cut off their nose to spite their face.
I know the system did so many things that people feel they should go back and apologize for doing but we've all done stupid s***.
Sometimes we knew we were doing wrong and sometimes we didn't know.
And no matter what someone knew and when they knew it if you survived it and lived to tell about it what will you do from this point forward to make the world a better place??
Why did I go down this road trying to "clear" myself my name my background?
Because I know I'll never truly know anything about the past but my background was not like anyone else's. Again I'm not special I was just raised differently
And if there are people with similar backgrounds I'll never know it.
All of us out there in the world in/famous in our own right were given a background different than our peers.
We're not special we were just raised differently and sometimes trauma and brutality from our life choices changes us to be something different than our peers who lived a rather safe and homogenized life
I also know I was set up to be a Fall Guy as a child because of social and psychological experiments because i showed strategy. And I was given a certain amount of manipulation power that I definitely used. And that doesn't make for good relationships when one gets power but the other one doesn't.
But the system wanted to see what happens when two people were raised together hate each other and they go their separate ways.
Because I know the system wanted to do something different with families and they wanted to give each child a chance not to lean on the other sibling..
they wanted to give each sibling a chance to make their own way in the world.
And guess what we're doing that.
Each sister has gone different directions.
Each sister is reaping what we have sown in our own lives.
Each sister is personally responsible for our own outcome.
My mom set me free.. I was the only one out of all the sisters who had no children. I was the only one who decided to go a different direction even when I was 21. I chose to go to different self-help groups. I chose to go to therapy to get over something hard in my thirties.
I chose to help myself and I chose to have experiences and sometimes I made bad choices and I faced them and I never tried to get Justice for the bad choices I've made prior to the J World.
And maybe that's why I had an extremely difficult childhood because I showed that I can handle extreme hardship.
And I proved it as an adult
Watching Fear The Walking Dead I know the system wants the best for all of you. I don't know if you want the best for yourself. But you have to get out of your own way.
And if you can't then please see a professional..
I hope my sisters survive climate change.
I hope many of you out there who i have come to know for the last 12 years on Facebook survives the changes.
I have given you everything that I have within my memory banks and I've even released my demons to make room to remember and develop more connections..
I hope you use my memories well as I have used your energy extremely well