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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Milk and Releasing Excessive Antibody Protection for MYSELF

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice for anyone and I am only speaking to adults around the power of milk, for me. Please see an allergist around any allergic reaction to foods and hopefully you can wean yourself back on the food supply, including milk, if that is your goal.

My husband is funny. He is a meat eater and country boy with an urban background and a genius around building things. Highly meticulous about his job and projects and extremely crafty and attractive. What is funny about him is when I mention Milk and the power of milk around releasing mucus on both ends, but one must develop good mucus to release the mucus jailing the excessive "deadly antibodies" one holds in their immune system, he gets all joking and "uncomfortable". You can only imagine our conversations, but sometimes he does take my advice and repeat things I have said in other contexts and that is a huge compliment, to me. What is interesting about our conversations is he might hear something on Facebook Reels about those who are against drinking milk and dairy, claim humans are not cows, we are not supposed to drink cow's milk. Oh, I said in my head, "are we supposed to find a breast feeding mother and drink human milk?"

Is that not cannibalism, drinking human milk? What is next, eating human meat because under the same notion, should we not be eating cow steaks, too??

Let me give you another perspective and you can decide for yourself, if you so choose.

Milk has been pasteurized to alleviate excessive life that only raw milk has from a farm because not everyone can handle the life in raw milk. It is not poison, but again, we have sensitive tummies out there, so we do not purposely force kids and sensitive adults to deal with excessive life if one does not have to. I used to drink raw milk when I was in Florida back in 2013 and I was fine and so was my husband.

All humans need animal proteins, fat and nutrition along with fortified processed food and fresh garden veggies and fruits. Milk has the fatty acids, amino acids, prohormones and minerals to build up a body growing up or changing, like "older" person who has triggered their Hayflick Limit.

Milk is life because it give the "good bacteria" in our gut the ammunition to fight for us and rebuild along with other foods to rebuild and be the carrier force to release. Why do think they give geriatric patients who are too far gone, Ensure? My answer, because it has the building blocks to life fortified with other ingredients to sustain what the geriatric already has.

And to top it off for those who keep kosher you're not supposed to mixed meat milk because milk is life and meat is death and you can't mix both those together but I will say I don't keep kosher but that is what is behind kosher and milk and meat

If one truly wanted to rebuild and release to the point of realizing another Hayflick Limit getting another 50 years of life, they would have to progressively and slowly wean themselves back on the food supply and release the deadly ANTIBODIES causing aggressive sexual reproduction, aggressive sexual orientation and violent and defensive attitudes.

Milk is that staple and foundation to do that along with meat, cheese, eggs, salt, sugar, carbs, gluten, fruits, veggies and a highly fortified processed food.

As you know experiencing symptoms of life is not for the faint of heart so you see people demonizing meat, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, veggies, sugar, salt, carbs, gluten and say all food is poison, have a baby and remedy yourself to death.

And therein lies the problem..

starvation leads to predatory behaviors and the demonization of food developing deadly offspring who resemble a type of human natural killer t cell out to destroy its own family and society if triggered in the "right way"..

which is why during climate change you are in a surveillance society.

it is scary out there..

As far as the downsides of milk leaching minerals out of bones, etc, well, when you hold onto deadly antibodies because you are not releasing, you are essentially holding the enemy inside and those little mucus demons are working against you..

Obesity from so much milk, allegedly shows the person is NOT releasing or eating a well balanced food intake and so they are steadily building up pressure with so much diverse life eating away at the infrastructure, like the bones..

We have adults and children who are not well balanced at all so it is easy to demonize food when the person is sustaining too much or too little of a good thing.


And if you are going to drink milk to gain the nutritional benefit you have to also release and eat a bunch of food in the process to rebuild. Milk waterfalls is an amazing ionic and covalent medium that only salt can probably match the energy. I drink milk to alleviate thirst as well as water and I also use milk to release demons.

It is possible to drink milk and it does nothing for you because you're not willing to release and feel the pain and suffering of excessive Life leaving the body in different ways.

Many people are feeding the demons but not allowing the body to release them and those demons are destroying the person and that's why people can eat and gain no real nutritional benefit and they age extremely fast..

or they're told that sugar and milk feed the cancer which is probably true but to slow down the growth you have to release other antibiotic issues so that growth isn't so excessive.

Cancer is your next evolution. You have to start releasing your old world and people are resistant in doing that which is why cancer is so accelerated and turbo in this environment and also why people age aggressively fast if they get their cancer under control

Now you know why adults have a chance to redirect but the children are pretty much under a doctor's care for 18 years and you hope they survive 18 years in the system. They're not allowed to suffer to live..

And I will say when you do wean back onto the food supply like milk your stomach will hurt. And you will have to push out poop and also eat food. Oh yeah it's painful getting your life back. It is extremely painful

Yes milk will make you bloated especially if you have not conditioned yourself for life, milk will make you fart and poop and you still have to eat. Milk is so powerful it is the nectar of the Gods when you think about it. That's why almost everything around human society is built around milk or built around those who are so against milk because they can't handle life and do not understand why people are dying suddenly, so they blame the air, food, water and public health therapies..

People who are allergic to milk are starving. And when you are starving you are predatory and not in your right mind and you can't tell people this. They will flip you off and tell you to go f*** yourself literally. But watch people who are starving. They've demonized almost everything in the food supply and they're out for blood and they're looking to feed on somebody and something but they say food is poison..

There is nothing poison in meat milk cheese or genetically modified. The person is not only nutritionally deficient but also spiritually and intellectually limited because they don't have enough nutrients to keep their brain going and absorbing new information. And you can't tell people that at all because they will definitely tell you to go f*** yourself..

People have invested they're a whole life in saying food is poison eatc only organic and starve yourself

 To hear this information I have just basically negated 20 years of their life and they're not about to release that demon in their world because it's been feeding them thus far until their belief system of demons suck the life out of them..

Now you know why people don't change or won't change. They're too invested in their belief system and they're getting a great return on their investment even if it's not giving them a long life. The system radicalized them to destroy themselves and everyone around them.

And they've given them plenty of ammunition and justification.

And as people are deteriorating they turn into avatars. They turn into a caricature of themselves that's why they use filters. Their body is basically shutting down and so to look relatively normal they have to use filters on their Facebook profiles to sell whatever image is making them money..

Cartoons are now the standard of beauty.

Reality doesn't sell anymore. And maybe that's a good thing. Reality is very scary that only a few people can pull off and survive which is why in the future we're going to have only 500 million people all over the world.

When you are weaning yourself back onto the food supply you have to be home more than not. It's very difficult to get your life back when you're constantly distracted with events and some people have to work everyday and so you plan getting your life back on the weekends.

 But again every adult will have to figure out how they're going to do it if they even figure it out at all. I just know the power of milk was for me the last 3 years and even the last few weeks.

And I eat a balanced intake of meat milk cheese eggs fruits and vegetables and water and sunshine I don't overdo anything. And I'm a thousand percent sober and I'm clean every morning.

And that's why we are the next chapter. Just look at my pinned post and cover page. It took me 3 years plus to wean myself back on the food supply and I sacrificed social outings and I sat in a dark room and ate and ate and released and felt pain and slept. And now I'm done I have no more aggressive energy left. But I'm willing to give you my experiences

Salt used as a probiotic was to release the demons and energized the immune system and activate it. But salt has so much curative effect that you won't be able to evolve and you'll starve.

 The next chapter is bringing life back in your body and you can't sell that to people. You can only give your experiences because milk is life and that's the next chapter and that's not going to be possible for many people who are in actual starvation mode and they could be obese or extremely skinny and that includes all children and adults from zero to 120.

Selling life is basically human trafficking.

 I can't sell life to people..

You can only sell "death" to symptoms that must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. But nothing is poison unless you make it poisonous to you based upon the degree of starvation you're in. And that's why the feds have to approve the foods you sell to people and make sure it's up to FDA standards to make sure there is not excessive life to cause people to have an allergic reaction they're not prepared for..

Which is why you can't sell jilly juice as a product.. because what is your intention selling something like jilly juice which is not poison

Any kind of Life sold on the open market through the Food and Drug Administration must be approved bye the Food and Drug Administration for the intention and the holistic world is highly unregulated on the internet unless you're selling some product for a corporation already undergone FDA approval for the intention

You need to see a doctor if you want to wean yourself back on the food supply

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