I'm watching people literally run themselves into the ground racing towards their death.
Group mentality was always supposed to be a killer especially when the climate changed.
You'll see these influencers on Facebook like these three brothers who are in the MMA and they say it's a psyop when you want to save yourself by being by yourself. And so they say safety is in numbers. "You're supposed to depend upon somebody else to keep you alive".
It's easier to say when you are 6 ft 3 with mostly muscle and money and you can afford expensive drugs until you can't anymore. And I'm sure their sponsors want them to say this
but I speculate they will think completely differently when those microbes start eating away at their muscles and bone structure and they break bones. So they just look the part but they can't do what they used to or they WOULD STILL be in MMA st getting beat to Hell by some f****** stranger for money.
What a great representation voluntarily getting beat to hell by some stranger for money and you know they're going to pay for it later if not now.
But they'll be under the influence of some of these drugs that it won't make a difference to them because they expect to die anyways
And when they die suddenly everyone will say they died doing what they love.
Who needs enemies when you have friends and family just like that
Those are the human sacrifices and they volunteer for it
During climate change your circle is going to f****** kill you because you don't understand physics chemistry and biology and you don't understand atmospheric physics and Immunology and you think all food is poison and so yeah your friends and family will cannibalize you as well strangers.
But you can't tell people anything. So I just relieve my stress by throwing up on Facebook and telling you what I observe and what I'm watching. You guys can run yourselves in the ground if you want but you can't blame anyone but yourself it's your own ass fault.
I saw a mother get so mad at people on Facebook because her son died playing football in high school and she said he died doing what he loved. And she didn't like the backlash of forcing her kid into football and also getting the public health therapies knowing the risks
What a f****** Charming mother she is..
That's why these kids don't stand a chance because of the parents and grandparents. You can't blame Trump or Harris. Just look at these parents and grandparents who are completely unaware and they value ignorance over change and knowledge. That's why we're in a great reset and why there's a massive culling of the human population because you can warn people all day long and they will flip you off and do exactly what they intend to do which is basically destroy themselves and their family voluntarily and then blame somebody else for it
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