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Writer's pictureJillian Epperly

Fertility is Deadly and We're Heading into Familial Implosion

Fertility is Deadly and We're Heading into Familial Implosion

It won't matter your feelings on public health therapies if you believe in big families and vice versa.

Domestic violence coupled with the traditionalist microbial Manson Family during climate change will be familial implosion..

the stress is going to be astronomical for everybody..

The stress is astronomical and that's why you're seeing not only die suddenly but a lot more homicides suicides infanticides and people coming up missing running away or pregnant women not surviving their spouse or children left purposely in cars.

Hot cars..

Again you can't prove intent. So yes the parents will be let off and the system won't have to deal with destroying their kids in the future. And that's kind of a morbid way to look at it but that's why these parents are let off..

It's going to be a brutal world and you're gonna see a lot of death and suffering because of the system flipping everything around.

You will see a lot more pregnancies and a lot more die suddenly and a lot more homicides and murders because of aggressive family obligations Because the suffering and the stress to raise a family in this society is so brutal people don't survive

"Respected surgeon Lance Johansen pleaded with the judge not to let his daughter's boyfriend out of jail, or he would kill her"

Another young lady.. mothers and fathers you need to figure out how to reach your young ladies.

 This is literally an epidemic.. and this was prophesized a long time ago when the system was studying domestic violence and the family.. Disney was there to develop illusion so they can study what people do when they think they should be together and they watch the resistance at the micro level and the macro level and people don't survive resistance.

 People die suddenly or they contract cancer and disease. Which was why abortion and birth control was a way out for women but now they won't get that option anymore

Selling the Cinderella princess dream to your daughters and selling the males should just go and take it is what our world has turned into and it will become worse and worse as we keep procreating each deficient genetic line

and everything will be funneled through the family.

 The conservative system will make sure that everything gets funneled through the family.

This is f****** horrific..

Domestic violence will get worse and worse and when you invite strangers into your world .. even family can be extremely deadly when you invite them into a world and you are always in resistance and have been in resistance in the past

you're basically dancing with the devil and I see a lot of young ladies inviting strangers into their world and even their house

 and I've done it too and for the grace of f****** god I survived the situations.. and I would never do those situations ever again.

 I would not invite roommates to live with me.

It's extremely dangerous out there for all who don't understand the ways of the world. And even arranged marriages are just as deadly because you don't know what you're inviting and just because he or she looks good on paper doesn't mean jack s***

And I would never return to my youth ever again.

 Those were some hard freaking lessons that luckily my mother prepared me for

 but some of you will learn the hard way and some of you will not survive the hard way, because some of the men out there, the younger men are not prepared for the world that you/pregnant female want them to live within

and the world has changed..

At this point you can't stop someone who has Mal intention and you can't hold everyone in jail for what they could do.

Once it's done you have to either survive it and then the book is thrown at the perp or you don't survive that domestic violence situation.

If you can't listen to indicators and your young ladies are not in tune to the ways the world they will die at the hands of their abuser..

the police and the judges can't stop what hasn't happened yet.

And they can't assume because someone gives off indicators that they hold them before they commit the crime.

 Once they commit the crime then they could be held accountable but then your young lady or son would not or could not survive that situation. And that's a very hard lesson for a family, when their daughters and sons don't survive their peers in relationships especially sexual relationships that ends up in pregnancy

Once a man hits you once it'll get worse.

 Those are the major indicators when a man hits you. When he hits you behind closed doors that's a sign to get out but when he hits you in front of his friends and family and no one does anything and says anything yeah it's going to get worse

and if a girl gets beat up and doesn't die from that situation it will only get worse

and why should any person let something like this escalate..

Both men and women need to pay the f*** attention to the world around them. You don't know what you're inviting and who you're inviting especially now with climate change and people's triggers are at the surface.

Once you have a child with somebody you're connected to them forever and you'll have to survive custody battles hearings and even mothers don't even survive their pregnancy sometimes..

And drugs and alcohol do not help your situation of survival because now you're indicators of fight or flight are dulled and then you invite the devil into your world

and sometimes the devil is hard to shake.

Women don't even understand the world they live in.

It's a f****** dangerous world..

This girl in this article is just a baby.

 22 years old and she's out in the world completely oblivious to the reality because she probably lived in a very homogenized atmosphere completely protected by her parents

and then some predator found her weakness and she became prey.

Yeah she was not prepared for the world around her

Some of you parents think shielding your sons and daughters from the ways of the world is going to protect them

no it'll actually make them even more of a target..

 pimps and human traffickers pick up on completely innocent men and women who were never taught how brutal the world is and how brutal it could be

But at this point it's too late most parents think that 100% protecting their kids from everything is going to save them.

You can't be with them 100% of the time and you can't control the hormones when they are raging especially when they hit puberty and freedom from the home..

And so we are developing predators out there and some of them are sexual predators

and we are developing bait which is basically these hot chicks with their mothers putting them out there on Front Street.

And there is no way to know what's going to happen to these girls and guys when they finally get together well we will see it in the headlines.

That's why the system is trying to control reproduction because you can't train boys to be something they're not when the fathers are instilling the male bravado into their sons and vice versa, the women are instilling submission And aggressive sexuality into their daughters

When children are having children this is what you get..

You get a war and the woman will come up with a short end of the stick..

Which is why I'm so glad I released my demons and I dealt with the pain and suffering

Because yes the darkness is looking to procreate and to take what they think is theirs..

and we have a lot of children born with darkness and are even living in darkness and when they finally get exposed to light

 they don't survive their peers..

And the justice system is the way it is because you can't accuse someone of what could happen.

Both that man and woman invite Karma into their world. If they hadn't gotten together the justice system wouldn't have to get involved.

It is when the women and the men invite predators into their world and then expect people to save them from something that could potentially happen

But when it does then potentially we can hold them accountable

but then that VICTIM died or get so maimed that it won't make a difference the kind of justice you can go get in the justice system.

That's what these young girls and boys don't understand is that a crime MUST happen first before Justice is dealt and even then the justice is not enough, SOMETIMES.  

sometimes Justice is doled out in prison

 and prison Justice is unforgiving

So why even get involved with people you don't even know and why even get involved with people at all.. which is why I've changed so much because I know the demons that I've had to release and I know the demons people are releasing and then I have to release the demons that I catch from other people and it's a battle.

 and if you are in a profession forced to deal with people, then you better not be giving off some mixed messages because some men and women don't understand how to decipher messages, even body language properly..

And young girls are in the crosshairs because they have been depicted as something to conquer in p***

and any other type of movies and these boys and men don't have enough sense to hold back because their hormones are raging and they've been taught to just take it.

And when the system goes to a more traditional system funneled through the family you won't see anything until it ends up in the headlines and then the system will investigate the family, assuming it even bleeds into the school system because sometimes children's behaviors taught by their mother and father will bleed into the school system.

The system knows what kind of signals indicators to look for when someone has been abused.

And when a family is resisting each other people end up dead.

 That's kind of what's going to happen in the future is that we're going to force people into family situations that will not be good for them

 and you're going to see a lot more domestic violence and women ending up dead because they're pregnant and they can't get the abortion or whatever

and that's kind of how shizz is going to happen.

 That's the depopulation agenda..

When girls and boys become sexualized they end up together forced into a situation, you know what the end result will be, especially with teenagers having sex and having children as such a young age, it is going to be deadly for the whole family...

And by looking at some of these kids out there and what they've been through and them getting pregnant with children and with how aggressive the atmosphere is and the demons they hold within

 yeah familial implosion..

Traditionalist during climate change is familial implosion. That's the future..

So prepare yourself when the conservative government comes in.

Yeah it will be literally Judgment Day for everybody. The left is not going to like being held accountable and even some of the right wing people need to clean up their background to make sure they are not hypocritical.

That's why you have the Delivery Systems and learning from your computer at home and Netflix so you don't have to mix in with the diverse company and end up triggering someone into something deadly or attracting someone who is so obsessive they don't know their boundaries..

This is time to release your demons or be around people you absolutely trust and can get through whatever situations together if need be..

and I have changed so much I am by myself a lot because of what I say on Facebook

people will resist me, even subconsciously and I don't want to be the cause of any resistance in any situation so I just say what I say give people opportunity to understand or not and I just walk away from it all.

Welcome to the New World Order. It's going to be brutal. It already is brutal

Family of viruses are in resistance and destroy each other.

There are four types of influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B viruses cause seasonal epidemics of disease in people (known as flu season) almost every winter in the United States. Influenza A viruses are the only influenza viruses known to cause flu pandemics (i.e., global epidemics of flu disease). A pandemic can occur when a new and different influenza A virus emerges that infects people, has the ability to spread efficiently among people, and against which people have little or no immunity. Influenza C virus infections generally cause mild illness and are not thought to cause human epidemics. Influenza D viruses primarily affect cattle with spillover to other animals but are not known to infect people to cause illness.

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