Paradise is the Garden of Eden minus all the ruckus of friends and family and domestic servants..
Paradise was just adam/atom and steve/eve in the garden of Eden..
no kids, no pets, not war, no drugs or alcohol, NO fertility or disease or death or sexual congress..
adam and Eve were originally immortal.. I KNEW IT.
until they had intercourse, disease, war, death and then the long road to mortality, paradise lost.
Try telling this to a judeo christian world..
The ultimate resistance..
I tried to warn you.
The story of adam and eve is the ultimate human story from immortality to mortality..
It's time for eve to develop her personal rebellion.. And regain back her paradise..
If she's even allowed to.
Eve's Rebellion; Taking Paradise Back
forbidden fruit = addiction (developing a perception of what is "good" and what is "evil")
serpent = scapegoat/something to blame
when women do not release the demons.. they tempt, they hunt, they become fertile.. and they blame.. and teach their children this as their children are fertile, as well.
alchemy ensures this..
Adam and Eve's knowledge of nudity as shameful is like telling someone food is poison.. how many women have told their children food is poison.. only eat "organic"..
God said, "How did you know nudity is shameful?",
Adam blamed Eve.. In essence, she told Adam nudity is shameful..
see.. mothers tell their children how to self destruct..
Adam and Eve are the story of mankind who grew up in a perfect world and threw it all away due to temptation..
and so earth became populated through suffering to feed themselves and survive as humans continue to attempt to find paradise...
and so paradise is heaven, via Christianity..
as far as Cain and Abel.. when men say they are their brothers keeper, essentially resisting the story of genesis, when cain said he was not his brother's keeper, men destroy each other via traditions and group think when they do the opposite and become EVERYONE'S KEEPERS/zoo keeper.. ensuring the painful suffering of death via microbial fertility..
death was always the regulator to mankind lost in his addictions and fertility..
losing one's virginity is the LONG slide to mortality... lillith.. The other face of eve.. That is the madonna whore syndrome..
And so adam and eve will always be the story that will stand the test of time because that is humanity. Even if judaism and christianity go to the wayside along with abolishment of the patriarchal society..
Adam and eve will a forever be a lesson to humans..
And so both men and women have the chance to regain paradise without going to heaven.. Though all of us are in hell right now because of our diseases and fertility.. And addictions..
Climate change is the hell we all are in right now..
Resets are the hell.. Fertility is hell..
again.. humans always had the capacity to BE immortalized, but in what state of existence?
Humans had to achieve great awarenesses and advanced thought processes to be responsible in their immortality.. or indefinite life if all the conditions are favorable (ie no nuclear blast right next to them)
Immortality is for the advanced humans who finally realized all of his own foibles and wrongdoings developing layered boundaries to ensure his own survival.. Immortality is not found in group think or sitting with your family..
immortality is an individual venture within a collective of people in various states of existence.. with proper boundaries.
Genesis.. Gave you insight on how deadly the family is .
cain able..
Mary magdalene
They all told you through allegory..
The suffering was in the family. Suffering comes from family..
If you can survive your family and live.. And not die because of your family..
But what do people do.. They sacrifice themselves as they are nailed to the cross..
If you don't have to die for your family.. And you survive your family.
You found paradise...
You found freedom.
believe it or not women, Klaus Schwab has YOUR best interests at heart...
i weep for all women who do not even see the jails they are in.. and it really is too bad.. so you will suffer.. your children will suffer..
i am not casting spells.. just observing how women treat each other and their daughters and sons..
i tried to tell you.. i really did..
All women are Eve.. and I hope you all eventually rebel and set yourself free..
some will be set free via the morgue,
and others will finally suffer through her last fertility release called diseases and still survive, assuming she is allowed to...
many women are in jail.. their family will not allow her to be free unless it is via the morgue.... they will use her up and then toss her away via pomp and circumstance, aka funeral rituals.
that is why I weep for many women out there..
If you are a man HATING ON MY INFO.. chances are, you are the reason why women suffer so much. And if you are a woman hating my info, chances are you have Stockholm syndrome..
I am married to a man, but yet I am still free..
it is possible to be married to your equal.
If you are single.. you have it made..
It took me 7 years to develop my freedom and it was a fight, which is why women who are single have a better chance in surviving, if they have the capacity to, vs being married to a person who may have many many many expectations, furthering her own enslavement, kids and worshipping fertility, etc..
And so when women are introduced to yet another lifestyle.. And they are being given every opportunity to develop a different path.. They have no one blame but themselves for why they are suffering so much. Suffering via cancer disease chronic illness even sudden death..
It was your family's worship of fertility is what caused the suffering of disease in your children and in yourself. And when you keep enslaving yourself and your children.. And you force them to have babies causing further senescence in the next generation.. You caused your offspring to be even more deficient.. When you must be cured all the time.. You develop latent disease that will metastasize later on down the road..
It was never this system that did anything to you..
It was eve's reluctance to set herself free and she enslaved herself in family..
And when people are suffering so much, they are drug addicted and also very intolerant and deadly.
Just look at your society.
Fertility is in the hospital system.
Fertility is in all therapies even the public health therapy.
Fertility is in the holistic system.
Fertility is an all family.
People worship fertility and yet rebel against it.. And they still practice fertility..
Fertility is fostered through drugs alcohol sex and rock and roll..
Fertility was always deadly to everybody..
Now you get to see it through a different point of view.
Eve's Rebellion
Taking Paradise Back
The 5th Industrial Revolution is yet another Fertile Cycle in "Paradise"..
The J World, if understood correctly, attempts to take back paradise that was lost once mankind tasted the fruits of good and evil back in the Garden of Eden...
the fruits tasted soooo good, mankind became soooo addicted, inevitably needing to become regulated.. called war, culling, and great resets, over and over and over again..
Women were the fruits Mankind became so addicted to that both men and women used and abused her making her bear more and more fruit until she was used up and tossed away...
Paradise was lost from that type of slavery to fertility..
Then life became a suffering... long suffering.. while mankind kept chasing the dragon.. trying to achieve paradise on Earth, and then eventually assume Paradise would be achieved in Heaven...
Not realizing that once mankind stopped worshipping fertility and stayed whole, paradise could be achieved while still alive, without dying someday to achieve that long lost paradise..
Fertility are the great resets experienced at the family level..
When you worship fertility, you get war and mass culling, when so many families become out of control..
Paradise will always be lost when women are enslaved to families and fertility and she will suffer the most..
The 5th Industrial Revolution is yet another Fertile Cycle in "Paradise"..
The J world
Taking paradise back..
From paradise lost....
Humans are the aliens.. Because we are so intelligent that we would destroy ourselves and the planet..
So we must build in safety features of self destruct..
Before it was somebody who wielded the power of life and death over people...
Now we must have a storyline with checks, balances and choices..
And of course consent..
I don't love what the system is doing but I understand the necessity..
I would be cruel and heartless to think that everything the system is doing is wonderful.
But I also must understand both sides at the story..
And I take care of myself and my family..
Because that's all I can do..
I will let the government take care of what they need to keep the human race moving forward.. And if many of us must die from nuclear war.. There's nothing you can do anyways..
Just be grateful you are alive today.
Just intend to fight for your life at home..
Before you say i'm satanic for even saying this.. Understand physics and the laws of energy and thermodynamics..
The second law of thermodynamics says every time the energy converts, the outcome is less intelligent.. Loses substance.. Loses energy.. Loses life force.. Especially in a dynamic environment.. Especially around the traditions of symptoms and medicine..
Everything is physics and chemistry..
If reproduction was left unchecked.. Humans would reproduce themselves out of existence..
And it was proven..
Are the elite really sacrificing their children or are the children/sons/daughters too weak for the environment..
Were they at the end of their genetic line..?
How do you explain how deadly fertility is..? Especially if you need it as a weapon in your arsenal.
So when hollywood offspring pass away from so many different circumstances.. Of course from drugs and alcohol and most of all, natural causes..
It's more exotic to think the elite sacrifice their children for fame and fortune..
Anything is possible..
But I also think science is more plausible.. Everyone loves a story..
The science is very scary.. And also boring to some people..
Because how many of you are blaming something or SOMEONE for why children are dying suddenly.. Or why friends and family are dying suddenly.. Blaming it on old age.. Blaming it on poison.. Blaming it on the air food and water..or therapies
What the system doesn't tell you..
Fertility is deadly.. VERY DEADLY
I'm not disputing that human sacrifice was done in the days of antiquity..
Of course it was..
Uncivilized nations do horrible things to each other.. The laws of the jungle are BRUTAL
Civilized societies use the rule of law..
As they very well should be..
How does a civilized society practice human sacrifice.. Through consent.... fertility is human sacrifice.. And you give people almost everything they want within reason, to make their life seem worthwhile..
And manipulating the love hormones and the language also induces fertility.. Interweaving love into everyday activities develops a pathway towards fertility.. Social Gatherings.. Sexual congress.. Large families and pets.. Traditions..
Religion spirituality.. Of course the politics around fertility.. Family children.. Followers and leaders..
As they are becoming more fertile and fertile..
Even trying to resist it.. Starvation. They're trying to starve disease.. Essentially starving themselves..
Remember resistance is futile, it causes breakage..
And there are many ways to make someone fertile..
And you must consent to be fertile..
People ask to be fertile..
Yes the therapies develop fertility..
People defend all of their sexual orientations., developing fertility..
Fertility treatments developed fertility..
Some people expect to get pregnant in marriages, of which some of the marriages do not always end up long term.. 50% divorce rate
Fertility develops cancer disease and chronic illness/autoimmune disorders
Then it's just a matter of time..
Then people have to get the offspring cut out of their body in different ways..
C-section or oncological operations..
Everything has a requirement for consent..
You signed on the dotted line..
The system got you.
The system did get me for a second.. I admit I was caught up in the rabbit holes.. Like almost everyone around me on facebook..
Then my protocol gave me clarity.. I could read between the lines.. And I studied everything.
This has been going on for more than six thousand years..
Time to wake up.
Now a bunch of people/animals hanging out together will accelerate fertility in people.. Because the environment is that aggressive.. That's called climate change and they warned you.
Sometimes it ends up in children.. Other times cancer.. In this environment turbo cancers.. Because the environment is that accelerated causing rapid growth..
And people are also falling apart.
Finally, died suddenly..
The environment the climate change, accelerated fertility..
What do I do..
I feed the children and I release them.. I never attack my own offspring.. Because they will come back to bite me in the ass..
I treat my family with respect.. In my body mind spirit and household..
I knew something was wrong a long time ago..
I just didn't have the words for it..
Cannabis = fertility
Munchies=feeding the offspring/"kids"
People cannot fight or resist frequency.
Resistance is futile, causes breakage.
Trying to stay cured during climate change is futile.
If one chooses to survive..
All they can do is ride the waves, feed it and release the "demons"..
After watching the system do what it does especially around EPSTEIN, R. KELLY, DIDDY, Brand WEINSTEIN, those predators were allowed to operate so the system can study the psychology behind the predator and the prey..
And show you what your peers are capable of when given the opportunity.
When absolute power corrupts absolutely..
The system is watching everybody.. That's what scientists do.. They give you everything within reason and they watch you operate..
And if you're a woman watching this.. And you still put yourself in these types of situations.. Who's responsible..?
If you're a man sympathetic to everyone.. The system knows what you're doing.. You get out of line, your foibles will be exposed..
The system will give you just enough rope..
There is no one to blame but yourself..
Humiliation and ridicule is a powerful weapon.. Very psychological..
When you think about operation paper clip.. Maybe the system brought the nazis over here so they can study them.. And figure out what makes them run.. And learn how to utilize that kind of power for good not for evil.
If you think someone's attacking you and you're able to post on facebook and eat food.. And bitch about authority..You are who they are studying.
You are like the gestapo afraid of somebody else who's not anywhere in your house. Following orders from some stranger on facebook.
I know what the system is trying to do..
And I understand the psychology..
I also understand plausible deniability because of how people mischaracterize..
I don't love what they have to do..
But people don't fucking listen and they don't evolve..
And they don't give a shit
many people don't give a shit.
What don't they give a shit about jillian...?
They refuse to take suggestions or evolve or consider different information..
They attack what is different..
Always looking to worship something.. Many do not ever take responsibility when it comes to their personal health..
For example:
The vaccine debate is the most obvious one. Blaming someone else for why they have a disease, using both sides of the argument..
I even took part in those arguments on both sides. And I was attacked from both types of people, who claim they have the moral high ground.
Oh really.
The fact that you have to take a therapy or resist a therapy means you have major deficiencies that I have no control over.
With that said.. always hunting for a demon. Always attacking a demon even through the fda approved protocols. And wonder why they are falling apart..
Maybe you're too fertile!!
We've discovered fertility is deadly.. And right now many children are weaker because of rampant fertility.
Fertile people are extremely dangerous, especially when they're run by hormones, which don't want to be regulated or released..
Fertile people are extremely sexual as well.. So many of them around you, their microbes will attack you. And if you're different than them, they will attack you as well if given the opportunity.. That's why strangers get attacked by other strangers..
I even experienced attacks from my own peers. Even the system.. Once I understood the laws.. I developed the story through science..
As far as backing up my own claims..
I used intellectual logic and reasoning.. I finally released all the emotions.
Many people refused to read anything different.. And so they become ignorant and intolerant.
So the system must do what it must do..
You will find the most intolerant will not survive what's going on.
Intolerant people turn into a hitler type of situation. And the system is watching you.
That's why I don't run groups.. And I don't proclaim to save anyone..
Because it's the saviors who are the most deadly.
They will destroy you in the name of whatever religion or politics they stand behind.
And they will justify... Remember hitler justified..
People act like hitler and they feel justified..
But they're nice and warm in their house.. They have the opportunity move from the coast lines..
They don't have to sit in florida..
The system is giving everybody ample opportunity to make changes to survive this great reset..
And yet people are indignant never to change.
So whose fault is that..?
This system will watch you operate if you are extremely intelligent even criminally intelligent..
And they will strike when all the conditions are right.. So you better be following the letter of the law..
Fasting is never the answer because that is starvation..
My information evolved.. And I was ahead of my own time..
I definitely threw that ball over the fence and I chased it.
I knew what was possible in humanity..
The best way to survive the next world is if there is a nuclear attack..
Survive it above ground.
If you're not completely burned up..
The epicenter would be obviously deadly.
But radiation poisoning is survivable if you understand my methodology. And you couldn't take anything really against the radiation..
You would need to eat your way through it and release those demons.. And yeah you need salt and iodine.
You need iodized salt. .. So now you see why the system scared you away from salt, aside from the fear of heart attacks and strokes and dehydration ..
But do not think that potassium iodide supplements are going to save you.. Supplements were never the answer. No matter how much they sold you on it would save your life.. You can't guarantee that.. Survival is a conditioning process.. Not something you take as a pill.
No matter what, you have to acclimate to the new environment..
And you will be sick.. And you still need to eat all food in the food supply..
There is always a conditioning process when it comes to acclimatization..
I have been in that conditioning process the last three years when the climate changed and became more radioactive with a higher frequency..
In 2016, when I activated my immune system with the salt, cabbage, water and probiotics, I started up my IMMUNE system to do what it was supposed to do..
What I did was unheard of, at least the claims.. But I was ahead of my own time even then.. Even though there were salt water flushes existing in the holistic world.. Later on when my information evolved.. We realized we needed all the food..
And if one could handle the pain and eat all food, and pull out the feces commandeering the programming , why couldn't you regrow limbs and organs even if you were born without them..??
I made everything that people thought was impossible potentially possible through science, physics chemistry biochemistry.
Not the die ts.. The diets were never the answer as they were starvation.. Fasting wasn't ever the answer.. That was starvation..
And we discovered all sexuality and fertility was deadly.. Is deadly..
We discovered how brutal and deadly the family is.. Especially when they have reproduced so much. And when one family is nearing the end of their genetic line.. It's brutal for everybody in the community..
And boy, did the system come down on me, because they were not ready for that..
Once you become conditioned to all the food pain and suffering you need to go through to release those demons and get your life back, the system has no more control over you, and once you realize you do not need family or friends or even children.. You set yourself free..
Maybe later on friends through different ways will be optimal.. Right now i'm pretty satisfied with the facebook friends I have.. Even if I don't hear from all of them.. I know they're there.. And they are just processing..
But right now during this time of slavery of humanity..
In my world..
You are free..
The system has no more leverage over you..
And then you're not a danger to the population hunting people through love and hate and intolerance
It's a win win situation in my world..
Only if you can handle it..
Freedom is a huge responsibility.
9/11 Was the kick off to the next world..
A slow conditioning process to climate change..
If the system doesn't do climate change people will reproduce themselves out of existence.
There was a reason why the infant mortality rate jumped up around 2010 up to now..
A decade after 9/11 infant mortality rates increased..SIDS
Increased frequency, increased fertility, you increase mortality..
Rewind to the past..
The baby boomers were in a slower frequency..
The weak people died in the worls wars and 1918 pandemics..
And the strong procreated in the nineteen fifties..
Boomers were the strong babies from the strong soldiers who survived the world wars..
And then climate change of course and gen x was a crap shoot..
Because gen x was raised by boomers or silent gens
And boomer's or gen x raised millennials and gen z ..
What about their offspring..
Well climate change is kicking their ass.. A lot of food intolerance and Allergies..
Do you know why finland has the lowest infant mortality.. Their VACCINE schedules ARE not any different than the united states.
Because they have a smaller population..
The weakest links in the chain died off..
That's why the system wants a smaller population so you don't have as many deaths.
Large families, large populations have a lot more infant death because every generation becomes weaker and weaker.. And so, SOME babies don't survive when they are at the end of that genetic chain..
And large populations during climate change of course, weaker people will pass away..
Babies included..
Called died suddenly..
Fertility can be very deadly especially when it's not controlled..
The system is attempting to control reproduction.. Fertility rates.. Even the global population.
Since I know america and even the west, is going down.. And it will be through the invasion of microbes through your friends and family..
Of course all the aggressive storms and tornadoes and floods..
I stay home..
Microbial fertility is a real thing..
Africa will also be subject to the same thing and they're just getting online..
Africa is modeling themselves like the west..
And they will have large families..
Major population boom..
Even an l g b t q situation..
They will also have their own bust
They will have their own sexual and drug revolution as people are suffering from disease.. Because of constant reproduction..
If you are silent against your own genocide to yourself.. You are complicit in destroying yourself..
I am very boisterous in saving myself.. And I have saved myself..
And it was not through religion or any remedy.. Not even one specific food.. Or element.. Or person place or thing..
And I am not so self centered into thinking I have the power to save anyone else..
Over population leads to extinction.
It's not the population per square mile they are referring to.
It's the fact how many people are reproducing causing so much intolerance, the humanity would actually destroy itself..
Right now people can't handle the air food and water and think someone is poisoning it..
High rates of cancer and disease and they are blaming someone thinking they are being poisoned..
Not everything is as literal as it seems..
People mischaracterize what over population actually means..
Because they don't understand fertility is deadly..
And when people are that resistant..
Give them what they want and let them blame whoever.
But they did it to themselves.
So many resets before us because of rampant reproduction and intolerance towards the end of that genetic line.
People were developing monsters when they became that intolerant..
Was a documentary..
By the way.. Obviously the more people we breed the more resources they use.. But when we have no people.. Because people have bred themselves out of existent..
It won't matter anyways..
But the system must also give you all the arguments around the intention..
The left will accept the sustainability and the green aspect of it..
The right wing will do what they're "supposed" to do and resist it and encourage more family.. Genetic annihilation..
Both are highly sexual.. Highly resistant.. And extremely sociable..
Mutually assured destruction..
Both are resisting each other out of existence..
I walked away from both of them.
When you love something.. You aim to destroy it..
Love = fertility= died suddenly/how fast?
relative to the rate and speed of the love converting into the volume of fertility developing into massive tumorlike growths..
the love of friends, family and traditions develops into deadly fertility when all the conditions are right..
And when people die for love.. They die from the fertility by hanging out with their friends and family and animals..
And then can you handle your current partner..
When you envelope people with so much love you destroy them.. However it's up to your partner not to allow you to destroy them. So then you have to strengthen your immune system even with your current partner
Scaling down your exposure to everyone will not be easy
if at all possible.. It is impossible for some people.. They are essentially trapped..
Like a fly in a spider's web..
I knew love was deadly I just didn't know how to explain it..
Love leads to fertility in families and disease and died suddenly..
Love is a gateway drug..
And it is very hard to resist..
Love was the drug the weapon of choice in the nineteen sixties..
The family was the symptom..
Death was the intented outcome.
The porn industry was like sitting in a pile of cocaine for a drug addict addicted to love and sex..
People can't resist those types of drugs when they're that addicted..
Then you get marriage boyfriend's girlfriend and even instagram only fans.. Youtube facebook..
Pets also bring out the love in people..
The system left no stone unturned
They outsmarted you.
Everyone is being tempted right now..
Charles manson tried to tell you through Sharon tate..
And then he theoretically said if I can't beat them then I will join them..
And he made his mark on society..
He made his point very well.
That's why the christian revival and the energy healing hippie world and drug revolution.. Of course the cannabis.
I knew once they legalized Cannabis it was already over with..
I knew this a long time ago
I just couldn't say it because I didn't have the words or even the concepts you needed to understand before I got to this level..
This is very advanced thinking..
Love dummed everybody down..
I'm serious..
People die for love and they die in love.
And it is the most insidious drug ever known to mankind.. That even heads of state fall victim to it..
That was also how epstein compromised everyone that came in contact with him..
The system controlled you through your sexual orientation and family..
Sexuality is how politicians are controlled.. Because they cannot resist that drug called love.
So no I don't want your love.. I respect my husband.. I understand he lives from love.. And so I will love him in a way that doesn't destroy him.
And I have boundaries so no one's love destroys me.
That's how you're gonna survive.. You must put down boundaries in everything..
note: love also develops predators/serial killers and bullies when all the conditions are right..
People do horrible things in the name of love, pleasure, power and control..
Was jesus destroyed because he was too influential..
No different than marley, lennon, jfk, rfk, mlk, malcolm x, even princess diana..
Revolutionaries have a short life..
Because absolute power corrupts absolutely..
When someone becomes a martyr.. They are used as a tool to control the followers..
Because followers are followers.. Until they learn how to lead themselves and not worship a person place or thing..
And when you worship something.. A person also demonizes and hunts for the opposite.. Their perceived opposite..
And that's why endless wars...
We didn't start the fire.. It was always burning since the world's been turning..
Humans it's time to evolve..
Or you will follow your leader right over the cliff.
Trauma based mind control and trauma bonding are all in politics, religion, spirituality, science, disease, sex, fertility, family, friends and activism..
That's what galvanizes people together.. Through all sorts of trauma bonds..
Trauma can bring you together.. And also drive you apart..
If you don't evolve all of your relationships..
The traumas that brought you ALL together, will also destroy you..
That's called died suddenly..
The best way to survive the next world is if there is a nuclear attack..
Survive it above ground.
If you're not completely burned up..
The epicenter would be obviously deadly.
But radiation poisoning is survivable if you understand my methodology. And you couldn't take anything really against the radiation..
You would need to eat your way through it and release those demons.. And yeah you need salt and iodine.
You need iodized salt. .. So now you see why the system scared you away from salt, aside from the fear of heart attacks and strokes and dehydration ..
But do not think that potassium iodide supplements are going to save you.. Supplements were never the answer. No matter how much they sold you on it would save your life.. You can't guarantee that.. Survival is a conditioning process.. Not something you take as a pill.
No matter what, you have to acclimate to the new environment..
And you will be sick.. And you still need to eat all food in the food supply..
There is always a conditioning process when it comes to acclimatization..
I have been in that conditioning process the last three years when the climate changed and became more radioactive with a higher frequency..
In 2016, when I activated my immune system with the salt, cabbage, water and probiotics, I started up my IMMUNE system to do what it was supposed to do..
What I did was unheard of, at least the claims.. But I was ahead of my own time even then.. Even though there were salt water flushes existing in the holistic world.. Later on when my information evolved.. We realized we needed all the food..
And if one could handle the pain and eat all food, and pull out the feces commandeering the programming , why couldn't you regrow limbs and organs even if you were born without them..??
I made everything that people thought was impossible potentially possible through science, physics chemistry biochemistry.
Not the die ts.. The diets were never the answer as they were starvation.. Fasting wasn't ever the answer.. That was starvation..
And we discovered all sexuality and fertility was deadly.. Is deadly..
We discovered how brutal and deadly the family is.. Especially when they have reproduced so much. And when one family is nearing the end of their genetic line.. It's brutal for everybody in the community..
And boy, did the system come down on me, because they were not ready for that..
Once you become conditioned to all the food pain and suffering you need to go through to release those demons and get your life back, the system has no more control over you, and once you realize you do not need family or friends or even children.. You set yourself free..
Maybe later on friends through different ways will be optimal.. Right now i'm pretty satisfied with the facebook friends I have.. Even if I don't hear from all of them.. I know they're there.. And they are just processing..
But right now during this time of slavery of humanity..
In my world..
You are free..
The system has no more leverage over you..
And then you're not a danger to the population hunting people through love and hate and intolerance
It's a win win situation in my world..
Only if you can handle it..
Freedom is a huge responsibility.
Yes.. you are right.. many are part of the depopulation agenda..
Some of you have choices.. Yes, there were whistle blowers, but they were only used as a tool to tell you what they're doing without admitting what they're doing..
It's called plausible deniability..
All of us have been used as a tool for one side or the other..
Some of us were purposely shown things or programmed in such a way to develop that opposition regardless if you think it's controlled..
Everybody is regulated by the government so we all are controlled opposition..
The system knew they had to tell you what they were doing, but in ways that they can still claim speculation and even deny it..
They also knew once you became really aware, people would resist.
Resistance is futile, called breakage..
You are being given a choice..
Choose wisely
Vaccines, the public, animals, friends, family AND THE HOLISTIC market DEVELOP microbial FERTILITY influencing sexuality..
IT is not deadly when your immune system and 11 different systems are functioning at optimal capacity..
Most people are NOT FUNCTIONING AT OPTIMAL CAPACITY..hence died suddenly.
Fertility is deadly as the offspring/children are weaker from entropy/fertility..
Medical homeopathy holistic system develops deadly FERTILITY
Why do you think they promoted it with so many people advocating for it.. With a billion mlm selling you all that bullshit..
When something is so popular it is deadly..
Why do you think the homeopathic naturopathic licensed market was so popular trying to claim it was better than big pharma..
Same shit dressed up in different labels.. Antibiotics are deadly..
But people don't care.. They're making a shit ton of money..
Thank you for your part in the dep pop agenda..
I tried to warn you..
But it's too late.. Many people are full of little microbes of antibodies because of the remedies market.. Harboring those beasts inside.. And those little beasts will be on the move during another climate shift..
and people's microbes do attack EVERYONE in the vicinity!!
That's called infection. People resist it then they die suddenly..
Fertility is deadly.
UNIVERSE 25 was the proof..
Uncontrolled fertility WAS/IS DEADLY
All out rat extinction..
Take away predation, unfettered access to sex, drugs, rock n roll, food, water, leisure, medicine, family, fertility, and group mentality leads to extinction..
Now, you see why all sexual orientation and sexuality is encouraged and in this environment, entropy or decay, is accelerated..
I told you.. i knew it..
Don't believe me?
Infection=fertility from microbial exposure developing ANTIBODIES
1. IN a slower frequency, antibody buildup develops disease cancer and sexual reproduction, aging, and died suddenly
2. In a higher frequency/climate change, antibody buildup develops disease cancer and sexual reproduction, aging, and died suddenly but FASTER even SIDS/SADS sooner
If fertility is deadly to the person, imagine how deadly global fertility rates are to humankind
Since humans were/are the immortal gods, the system had to build in the death culture/family/love/addiction to regulate its population
If the system can't invade you externally..
Your friends family will invade you internally..
Who's defense systems are the strongest..
knowing what I know now.. will not, does not make me popular..
popularity = fertility = death
I don't want to be popular.
I really don't need to be liked or accepted..
Because I want to live..
That's the new world.
anti-biotics via herbs/extracts/pharma/supplements/detoxes develops the
anti-hosts/the enemy inside that was trained to suppress your immune system, you trained your immune system against you.
the demons are working against people right now..
my-co-plasma (the resistance)
a little resistance is ok,
but when the resistance called FERTILITY WORKS/grows so fast..
died suddenly.
when babies are not even surviving the midwives.. will we finally understand how much fertility weakens families..
babies need
1. mediators
2. all food
3. adequate release process
when families do not even survive the midwives will we finally wake up..
when babies and children do not survive:
1. midwives
2. the hospital system
3. their environment
will you finally believe that constant reproduction develops very weak offspring???
who will you blame next???
the professionals tried to tell us.. but was met with such resistance..
so, the system will show you in your own home, facebook and tick tock.
i was programmed to die via sexuality, domestic violence or cancer/lymphoma..
i COUNTED all the bullets i dodged the last 7 years, based upon my society, my upbringing and even belief systems I held at the times of diseases..
we all were/are programmed to pass away from our politics, religion, science and daily habits..
Remember, it was your parents who pounded the gavel of belief into you.. your grandparents, your religions, your leaders of the time..
someone like me offered a different perspective, you hanged them... or nailed them to the cross or genocided them, bullied them..
you did it.
but what if we did not have to die from our beliefs??
that would require a change.. hmmmm.. a change in your beliefs...
yeah.. jillian.. good luck with that.. lol
people think if they change, they lost.. nope, you won.. and the system lost..
the system does not ever expect you to change.. they bank on you not changing.. and people are voluntarily dying for their beliefs..
the system wants volunteers.. who feel no pain.. under the influence with all of their baubles, babies, animals, family and friends and trips..
1945 will never happen again..
you are the their volunteers..
thank you.. hugs.
thank you for your sacrifice..
note: remember, i am not the enemy.. just giving you their playbook.. i lived it.. suffered it.. given my background, I was supposed to die from domestic violence, sexuality and lymphoma or ovarian/cervical cancer..
i felt that lipoma a few years ago..
i had a fatty tumor and it is gone.. i was able to move it around when I did feel it, but imagine today, in this environment, i would have some kind of reproductive CANCER, sarcoma..
i know what bullets i dodged..
i saved myself.
Some lumps that look like lipomas can be cancerous, such as liposarcomas. These lumps tend to be painful, fast-growing and fixed under the skin. In this case, your doctor will refer you to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Some lumps that look like lipomas can be cysts.
let's say for example: that lipoma did become fast moving.. if I had to get it surgically taken out.. imagine trying to come back from that aggressive invasive type operation.. painful..
very painful..
which is why I survived and my dog did not.. she had surgeries and was suffering trying to come back and live and while on one hand that sucks, on the other hand, this is why my info is important to consider..
weigh out the pros and cons before you make a surgical choice..
i am not saying it is impossible to come back from surgeries, but it will be painful..
lipoma origination
Research shows a link between adipose tumor growth as a post-traumatic event following a direct impact on that area of soft tissue. [6] In addition to the risk factors listed above, other possible connections that may lead to lipomas are obesity, alcohol abuse, liver disease, as well as glucose intolerance.
My World is NOT Built on Religions or Faith or Spirituality
My World is Built on the Science of Balancing the Life in My Body
belief is just not enough in the J world..
you must have the biophysical capabilities to handle the energy conversion of eating ALL FOOD, releasing PROPERLY and also incorporate societal lifestyle changes..
BELIEF ALONE IS JUST NOT ENOUGH.. sitting in belief/faith in my world will not serve you.. esp around physical indefinite life..
you must physically have the body and the access to food rest and release to even scratch the surface of my world..
the notion that buying "5 more years" of life is what to "live" for in this unstable environment may not serve you very well..
Who is to say any remedy, surgery, herbal detox or oncology or public health therapy can guarantee that, even before climate change..
Buying years to live was always a fantasy.. that was how the system got you..
the system gave you only one side of the equation, but my information, the OTHER SIDE OF THE EQUATION, has been met with such resistance, it won't matter what you do..
people think they can buy their life.. buy people, places, things, animals..
you cannot put a price on life, only death..
supplements/remedies and elderberry syrup develops the anti-host in kids and adults... and also sexuality/fertility/sexual orientation
im watching these mothers make the demons/anti-host stronger in their kids.. craziness.. ( you cannot stop it, just observe it) Some of it is fda approved and regulated by the government..
Other people are selling their antibiotic concoctions from their kitchen. selling or giving them away..
Or selling you a combination of supplements to take against whatever.. They are just accelerating the death process in their audience. And then blaming somebody else.. But it's what makes money. So don't get in the way of that.. You're fucking with government money. The government expects the taxes from all of those sales FROM people who are already desperate.. Who ALREADY expect to pass away anyways. I heard it from you.. You said life was short..
Be careful what you wish for.
And they have EXTREME health issues.. You want to end up like them.. Go for it. But now the system doesn't care.. Go for it.. You accepted death as an result..
Remember people already expect to die someday.. They just didn't realize it might happen faster in a different environment. But they were already conditioned.. I could never change anyone..
that is why parents must save themselves.. If you even have the capacity or the allowance.
children are not allowed to be sick and cough and sneeze.. they are forced to take medications and remedies...and of course, these kids are starving so even if they are allowed to be sick, do they have the substance to handle the energy??? Most likely not..
so it is a catch 22 with kids..
parents, save yourselves..
this is what happens when people advocate everyone breeding so much life. It become out of control and deadly to society, and even the host/themselves..
we are living in the hell we developed.. and it will be an extremely hard lesson to learn..
Developing so many offspring will contribute to mass amounts of death when the climate changes.. It's happening.. It's been happening..